32 KByte Flash Module (S12FTMRC32K1V1)
MC9S12HY/HA-Family Reference Manual, Rev. 1.05
Freescale Semiconductor
P-Flash Protection Register (FPROT)
The FPROT register defines which P-Flash sectors are protected against program and erase operations.
The (unreserved) bits of the FPROT register are writable with the restriction that the size of the protected
During the reset sequence, the FPROT register is loaded with the contents of the P-Flash protection byte
in the Flash configuration field at global address 0x3_FF0C located in P-Flash memory (see
Table 15-3)as indicated by reset condition ‘F’ in
Figure 15-13. To change the P-Flash protection that will be loaded
during the reset sequence, the upper sector of the P-Flash memory must be unprotected, then the P-Flash
protection byte must be reprogrammed. If a double bit fault is detected while reading the P-Flash phrase
containing the P-Flash protection byte during the reset sequence, the FPOPEN bit will be cleared and
remaining bits in the FPROT register will be set to leave the P-Flash memory fully protected.
Trying to alter data in any protected area in the P-Flash memory will result in a protection violation error
and the FPVIOL bit will be set in the FSTAT register. The block erase of a P-Flash block is not possible
if any of the P-Flash sectors contained in the same P-Flash block are protected.
Table 15-15. FERSTAT Field Descriptions
Double Bit Fault Detect Interrupt Flag — The setting of the DFDIF ag indicates that a double bit fault was
detected in the stored parity and data bits during a Flash array read operation or that a Flash array read operation
was attempted on a Flash block that was under a Flash command operation.1 The DFDIF ag is cleared by
writing a 1 to DFDIF. Writing a 0 to DFDIF has no effect on DFDIF.
0 No double bit fault detected
1 Double bit fault detected or an invalid Flash array read operation attempted
The single bit fault and double bit fault ags are mutually exclusive for parity errors (an ECC fault occurrence can be either
single fault or double fault but never both). A simultaneous access collision (read attempted while command running) is
indicated when both SFDIF and DFDIF ags are high.
Single Bit Fault Detect Interrupt Flag — With the IGNSF bit in the FCNFG register clear, the SFDIF ag
indicates that a single bit fault was detected in the stored parity and data bits during a Flash array read operation
or that a Flash array read operation was attempted on a Flash block that was under a Flash command operation.
1The SFDIF ag is cleared by writing a 1 to SFDIF. Writing a 0 to SFDIF has no effect on SFDIF.
0 No single bit fault detected
1 Single bit fault detected and corrected or an invalid Flash array read operation attempted
Offset Module Base + 0x0008
= Unimplemented or Reserved
Figure 15-13. Flash Protection Register (FPROT)