Mobile Intel
Celeron Processor (0.18μ) in BGA2 and Micro-PGA2 Packages
Order Number#249563-001
SMI# (I - 1.5V Tolerant)
The SMI# (System Management Interrupt) is asserted asynchronously by system logic. On
accepting a System Management Interrupt, the processor saves the current state and enters System
Management Mode (SMM). An SMI Acknowledge transaction is issued, and the processor begins
program execution from the SMM handler.
STPCLK# (I - 1.5V Tolerant)
The STPCLK# (Stop Clock) signal, when asserted, causes the processor to enter a low-power Stop
Grant state. The processor issues a Stop Grant Acknowledge special transaction and stops
providing internal clock signals to all units except the bus and APIC units. The processor
continues to snoop bus transactions and service interrupts while in the Stop Grant state. When
STPCLK# is deasserted, the processor restarts its internal clock to all units and resumes execution.
The assertion of STPCLK# has no affect on the bus clock.
TCK (I - 1.5V Tolerant)
The TCK (Test Clock) signal provides the clock input for the test bus (also known as the test
access port).
TDI (I - 1.5V Tolerant)
The TDI (Test Data In) signal transfers serial test data to the processor. TDI provides the serial
input needed for JTAG support.
TDO (O - 1.5V Tolerant Open-drain)
The TDO (Test Data Out) signal transfers serial test data from the processor. TDO provides the
serial output needed for JTAG support.
TESTHI (I - 1.5V Tolerant)
The TESTHI (Test input High) is used during processor test and needs to be pulled high during
normal operation.
TESTLO[2:1] (I - 1.5V Tolerant)
The TESTLO[2:1] (Test input Low) signals are used during processor test and needs to be pulled
to ground during normal operation.