Data Sheet
January 15, 2002
ORCA ORLI10G Quad 2.5 Gbits/s, 10 Gbits/s,
and ORLI12G 12.5 Gbits/s Line Interface FPSC
Lattice has developed a new ORCA Series 4-based
FPSC which combines a high-speed line interface
with a exible FPGA logic core. Built on the Series 4
recongurable embedded system-on-chip (SoC)
architecture, the ORLI10G consists of an OIF stan-
dard compliant (OIF-SFI4-01.0) SFI-4 or IEEE
802.3ae compliant XSBI, 10 Gbits/s or
12.5 Gbits/s transmit and 10 Gbits/s or 12.5 Gbits/s
receive line interface.
Both transmit and receive interfaces consist of 16-bit
LVDS data up to 850 Mbits/s, integrated transmit and
receive programmable PLLs for data rate conver-
sions between the line-side and system-side data
rates, and a programmable logic interface at the sys-
tem end for use with SONET/SDH, Ethernet, or OTN/
digital wrapper with strong FEC system device data
standards. In addition to the embedded functionality,
the device will include up to 400k of usable FPGA
gates. The line interface includes logic to divide the
data rate down to 212 MHz or less (1/4 line rate) or
106 MHz or less (1/8 line rate) for transfer to the
FPGA logic. The ORLI10G is designed to connect
directly to Agere's 10 Gbits/s TTRN0110G MUX and
TRCV0110G deMUX or Agere's 12.5 Gbits/s
TTRN0126 MUX and TRCV01126 deMUX on the line
side, as well as other industry standard devices. The
programmable logic interface on the system side
allows for direct connection to a 10 Gbits/s Ethernet
MAC, a 10 Gbits/s SONET/SDH framer/data engine,
or a 10 Gbits/s/12.5 Gbits/s digital wrapper/FEC
framer/data engine.
For 10 Gbits/s Ethernet, the ORLI10G supports the
physical coding sublayer (PCS), interfaces to the
physical media attachment (PMA), and connects to
the system interface (host or switch) for the proposed
IEEE 802.3ae 10 Gbits/s serial LAN PHY.
The ORLI10G FPSC is a high-speed programmable
device for 10G/s data solutions. It can be used as the
interface between the line interface and the system
interface in a variety of emerging networks, including
10 Gbits/s SONET/SDH (OC-192/STM-48),
10 Gbits/s optical transport networks (OTN) using
digital wrapper and strong FEC, or 10 Gbits/s Ether-
net. Other functions include use in quad OC-48/
STM-16 SONET/SDH systems, interfaces between
quad OC-48/STM-16 and OC-192/STM-64 compo-
nents, and use as a generic data transfer mechanism
between two devices at 10 Gbits/s rates. Data is
received at the line interface and then sent to either a
4-bit or 8-bit serial-to-parallel converter. On the trans-
mit interface, either a 4-bit or 8-bit parallel-to-serial
converter is used. Thus, the data rate at the internal
FPGA interface is either 1/4 or 1/8 the line rate.
The programmable PLLs on the ORLI10G provide for
great exibility in handling clock rate conversion due
to differing amounts of overhead bits in various sys-
tem data standards. For example, the ORLI10G can
divide down the STS-192/STM-64 SONET/SDH data
line rate of 622 MHz by 4 to synchronize with a
155 MHz system clock, or the 12.5 Gbits/s Super-
FEC data line rate of 781 MHz can be divided by
8 MHz to 98 MHz system clock or by 8 x 4/5 to pro-
vide a 78 MHz system data rate.
Table 1. ORCA ORLI10G/ORLI12G–Available FPGA Logic
* 192 user I/Os for the 416 PBGAM package and 316 user I/Os for the 680 PBGAM package are available out of the 432 possible user
Note: The embedded core and interface are not included in the above gate counts. The usable gate counts range from a logic-only gate
count to a gate count assuming 20% of the PFUs/SLICs being used as RAMs. The logic-only gate count includes each PFU/SLIC
(counted as 108 gates/PFU), including 12 gates per LUT/FF pair (eight per PFU) and 12 gates per SLIC/FF pair (one per PFU).
Each of the four PIO groups are counted as 16 gates (three FFs, fast-capture latch, output logic, CLK, and I/O buffers). PFUs used
as RAM are counted at four gates per bit, with each PFU capable of implementing a 32 x 4 RAM (or 512 gates) per PFU. Embedded
block RAM (EBR) is counted as four gates per bit, plus each block has an additional 25k gates. 7k gates are used for each PLL and
50k gates for the embedded system bus and microprocessor interface logic. Both the EBR and PLLs are conservatively utilized in
the gate count calculations.
User I/Os*
EBR Bits
Gates (k)