Lucent Technologies Inc.
Preliminary Data Sheet, Rev. 1
September 1998
ORCA Series 3 FPGAs
Timing Characteristics (continued)
In addition to supply voltage, process variation, and
operating temperature, circuit and process improve-
ments of the
ORCA Series FPGAs over time will result
in significant improvement of the actual performance
over those listed for a speed grade. Even though lower
speed grades may still be available, the distribution of
yield to timing parameters may be several speed
grades higher than that designated on a product brand.
Design practices need to consider best-case timing
parameters (e.g., delays = 0), as well as worst-case
The routing delays are a function of fan-out and the
capacitance associated with the CIPs and metal inter-
connect in the path. The number of logic elements that
can be driven (fan-out) by PFUs is unlimited, although
the delay to reach a valid logic level can exceed timing
requirements. It is difficult to make accurate routing
delay estimates prior to design compilation based on
fan-out. This is because the CAE software may delete
redundant logic inserted by the designer to reduce fan-
out, and/or it may also automatically reduce fan-out by
net splitting.
The waveform test points are given in the Input/Output
Buffer Measurement Conditions section of this data
sheet. The timing parameters given in the electrical
characteristics tables in this data sheet follow industry
practices, and the values they reflect are described
Propagation Delay—The time between the specified
reference points. The delays provided are the worst
case of the tphh and tpll delays for noninverting func-
tions, tplh and tphl for inverting functions, and tphz and
tplz for 3-state enable.
Setup Time—The interval immediately preceding the
transition of a clock or latch enable signal, during which
the data must be stable to ensure it is recognized as
the intended value.
Hold Time—The interval immediately following the
transition of a clock or latch enable signal, during which
the data must be held stable to ensure it is recognized
as the intended value.
3-State Enable—The time from when a 3-state control
signal becomes active and the output pad reaches the
high-impedance state.