Standby Mode
There are two ways to implement the standby mode on the MBM29DL16XTE/BE devices, one using both the
CE and RESET pins; the other via the RESET pin only.
When using both pins, a CMOS standby mode is achieved with CE and RESET inputs both held at VCC ± 0.3 V.
Under this condition the current consumed is less than 5
A max. During Embedded Algorithm operation, VCC
active current (ICC2) is required even CE = “H”. The device can be read with standard access time (tCE) from either
of these standby modes.
When using the RESET pin only, a CMOS standby mode is achieved with RESET input held at VSS ± 0.3 V
(CE = “H” or “L”). Under this condition the current is consumed is less than 5
A max. Once the RESET pin is
taken high, the device requires tRH of wake up time before outputs are valid for read access.
In the standby mode the outputs are in the high impedance state, independent of the OE input.
Automatic Sleep Mode
There is a function called automatic sleep mode to restrain power consumption during read-out of
MBM29DL16XTE/BE data. This mode can be used effectively with an application requested low power
consumption such as handy terminals.
To activate this mode, MBM29DL16XTE/BE automatically switch themselves to low power mode when
MBM29DL16XTE/BE addresses remain stably during access fine of 150 ns. It is not necessary to control CE,
WE, and OE on the mode. Under the mode, the current consumed is typically 1
A (CMOS Level).
During simultaneous operation, VCC active current (ICC2) is required.
Since the data are latched during this mode, the data are read-out continuously. If the addresses are changed,
the mode is canceled automatically and MBM29DL16XTE/BE read-out the data for changed addresses.
Output Disable
With the OE input at a logic high level (VIH), output from the devices are disabled. This will cause the output pins
to be in a high impedance state.
The autoselect mode allows the reading out of a binary code from the devices and will identify its manufacturer
and type. This mode is intended for use by programming equipment for the purpose of automatically matching
the devices to be programmed with its corresponding programming algorithm. This mode is functional over the
entire temperature range of the devices.
To activate this mode, the programming equipment must force VID (11.5 V to 12.5 V) on address pin A9. Two
identifier bytes may then be sequenced from the devices outputs by toggling address A0 from VIL to VIH. All
addresses are DON’T CARES except A6, A1 A0, and (A-1). (See “MBM29DL16XTE/BE User Bus Operations
The manufacturer and device codes may also be read via the command register, for instances when the
MBM29DL16XTE/BE are erased or programmed in a system without access to high voltage on the A9 pin. The
command sequence is illustrated in “MBM29DL16XTE/BE Command Definitions Table” in sDEVICE BUS
OPERATION. (Refer to “Autoselect Command” in sCOMMAND DEFINITIONS.)
Word 0 (A0 = VIL) represents the manufacturer’s code (Fujitsu = 04h) and word 1 (A0 = VIH) represents the device
identifier code (MBM29DL161TE = 36h and MBM29DL161BE = 39h for
×8 mode; MBM29DL161TE = 2236h
and MBM29DL161BE = 2239h for
×16 mode), (MBM29DL162TE = 2Dh and MBM29DL162BE = 2Eh for ×8
mode; MBM29DL162TE = 222Dh and MBM29DL162BE = 222Eh for
×16 mode), (MBM29DL163TE = 28h and
MBM29DL163BE = 2Bh for
×8 mode; MBM29DL163TE = 2228h and MBM29DL163BE = 222Bh for ×16 mode),