October 2004 Version 1.1
Dual 14-bit 1GSa/s DAC
Copyright 2004 Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
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Line 3 illustrates a conventional DAC
running at half rate.
Input Data
Unsigned binary data to each DAC core is
input via a dedicated parallel LVDS port. As
with the DAC core, data is latched on every
rising and falling edge of the clock in a
pseudo DDR mode. For synchronisation of
data generator(s) two LVDS clock outputs
and a Loop-Clock facility are provided.
Maintaining valid clock-to-data timing becomes increasingly difficult at higher clock rates, particularly
taking into account device-to-device variations. The MB86064 minimises potential problems through
its DDR data interface and by providing a loop-clock facility. The on-chip ‘loop’ consists of an LVDS
input connected to an LVDS output, through a programmable delay stage. This loop-through, and the
associated tracking from the data generating device, should be incorporated in the feedback loop of
a Delay-Locked Loop (DLL) or Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) clock generator, within the data generating
device. This enables the system to compensate for variations in input/output delays in both the data
generating device and the DAC.
Performance Enhancement Features
Each DAC core integrates a number of performance enhancing features. Performance levels now
reach the level sought after for next generation systems and high direct-IF architectures.
Serial Control Interface
A Fujitsu 4-wire serial interface is provided for configuration and control of the DAC. Programmed
data is stored in a number of read/writable registers.
Waveform Memory Module
The MB86064 incorporates a Waveform Memory Module featuring two 16k point on-chip waveform
memories. These allow the DAC cores to be driven with user programmed waveforms without the
need for external high speed, pattern generators.
Development Kit
A comprehensive Development Kit (DK),
DK86064, is available which comprises a
number of modules. A base motherboard
provides an interface to the DAC, Clock and
Data modules. Also included is a PC USB
Interface Lead & Control Software.
For further details, please refer to the
associated documentation.
Target high direct-IF
generating region
Figure 2 Benefits of DAC core architecture to
Sinx/x response