from 0V to VDD in less than or equal to 1ms. For power
supplies that ramp from 0V to VDD in greater than 1ms,
program the MAX19700 to enter the desired state using
the SPI interface.
Applications Information
Using Balun Transformer AC-Coupling
An RF transformer (Figure 8) provides an excellent
solution to convert a single-ended signal source to a
fully differential signal for optimum ADC performance.
Connecting the center tap of the transformer to COM
provides a VDD / 2 DC level shift to the input. A 1:1
transformer can be used, or a step-up transformer can
be selected to reduce the drive requirements. In gener-
al, the MAX19700 provides better SFDR and THD with
fully differential input signals than single-ended signals,
especially for high input frequencies. In differential
mode, even-order harmonics are lower as both inputs
(IAP, IAN, QAP, QAN) are balanced, and each of the
Rx ADC inputs only requires half the signal swing com-
pared to single-ended mode. Figure 9 shows an RF
transformer converting the MAX19700 Tx DAC differen-
tial analog outputs to single-ended.
Using Op-Amp Coupling
Drive the MAX19700 Rx ADC with op amps when a
balun transformer is not available. Figures 10 and 11
show the Rx ADC being driven by op amps for AC-cou-
pled single-ended and DC-coupled differential applica-
tions. Amplifiers such as the MAX4454 and MAX4354
provide high speed, high bandwidth, low noise, and
low distortion to maintain the input signal integrity. The
op-amp circuit shown in Figure 11 can also be used to
interface with the Tx DAC differential analog outputs to
provide gain or buffering. The Tx DAC differential ana-
log outputs cannot be used in single-ended mode
because of the internally generated common-mode
level. Also, the Tx DAC analog outputs are designed to
drive a differential input stage with input impedance
≥70k. If single-ended outputs are desired, use an
amplifier to provide differential-to-single-ended conver-
sion and select an amplifier with proper input common-
mode voltage range.
TDD Mode
The MAX19700 is optimized to operate in TD-SCDMA
applications. When FAST mode is selected, the
MAX19700 can switch between Tx and Rx modes
through the T/R pin in typically 1s. The Rx ADC and Tx
DAC operate independently. The Rx ADC and Tx DAC
digital bus are shared forming a single 10-bit parallel
bus. Using the 3-wire serial interface or external T/R
pin, select between Rx mode to enable the Rx ADC or
Tx mode to enable the Tx DAC. When operating in Rx
mode, the Tx DAC bus is not enabled and in Tx mode
the Rx ADC bus is tri-stated eliminating any unwanted
7.5Msps, Ultra-Low-Power
Analog Front-End
Table 11. Reference Modes
>0.8V x VDD
Internal Reference Mode. VREF is internally generated to be 0.512V. Bypass REFP, REFN, and COM each
with a 0.33F capacitor.
1.024V ±10%
Buffered External Reference Mode. An external 1.024V ±10% reference voltage is applied to REFIN. VREF is
internally generated to be VREFIN / 2. Bypass REFP, REFN, and COM each with a 0.33F capacitor. Bypass
REFIN to GND with a 0.1F capacitor.
Figure 8. Balun Transformer-Coupled Single-Ended-to-
Differential Input Drive for Rx ADC