7.5Msps, Ultra-Low-Power
Analog Front-End
SPI Register Description
The operating modes can be selected by programming
the control bits, A3–A0, in the register as shown in Table
3. Modifying A3–A0 bits will select from ENABLE-16,
and COMSEL modes. ENABLE-16 is the default operat-
ing mode. This mode allows for shutdown, idle, and
standby states as well as switching between FAST,
SLOW, Rx, and Tx modes. Table 4 shows the
MAX19700 power-management modes. Table 5 shows
the T/R pin-controlled external Tx-Rx switching modes.
Table 6 shows the SPI-controlled Tx-Rx switching
In ENABLE-16 mode, the aux-DACs have independent
control bits E6, E5, and E4, and the Tx-path full-scale
output can be set with bit E7. Table 7 shows the auxil-
iary DAC enable codes and Table 8 shows the full-
scale output selection. Bits E11 and E10 are reserved
and need to be programmed to logic-low. Bits E9 and
E8 are not used.
Modes Aux-DAC1, Aux-DAC2, and Aux-DAC3 select
the aux-DAC channels named DAC1, DAC2, and DAC3
and hold the data inputs for each DAC. Bits _D11–_D0
are the data inputs for each aux-DAC and can be pro-
grammed through SPI. The MAX19700 also includes
two 6-bit registers that can be programmed to correct
the offsets for the Tx-path I and Q channels indepen-
dently (see Table 9). Use the COMSEL mode to select
the output common-mode voltage with bits CM1 and
CM0 (see Table 10).
Shutdown mode offers the most dramatic power sav-
ings by shutting down all the analog sections of the
MAX19700 and placing the Rx ADC digital outputs in
tri-state mode. When the Rx ADC outputs transition
from tri-state to active, the last converted word is
placed on the digital outputs. The Tx DAC previously
stored data is lost when coming out of shutdown mode.
The wake-up time from shutdown mode is dominated
by the time required to charge the capacitors at REFP,
REFN, and COM. In internal reference mode and
buffered external reference mode, the wake-up time is
typically 75s to enter Rx mode and 25s to enter Tx
In idle mode, the reference and clock distribution cir-
cuits are powered, but all other functions are off. The
Rx ADC outputs are forced to tri-state. The wake-up
time is 7.3s to enter Rx mode and 5s to enter Tx
mode. When the Rx ADC outputs transition from tri-
state to active, the last converted word is placed on the
digital outputs.
In standby mode, the reference is powered, but the rest
of the device functions are off. The wake-up time from
standby mode is 7.3s to enter Rx mode and 25s to
enter Tx mode. When the Rx ADC outputs transition
from tri-state to active, the last converted word is
placed on the digital outputs.
FAST and SLOW Rx and Tx Modes
In addition to the external Tx-Rx control, the MAX19700
also features SLOW and FAST modes for switching
between Rx and Tx operation. In FAST Tx mode, the Rx
ADC core is powered on but the ADC core digital out-
puts are tri-stated on the D0–D9 bus; likewise, in FAST
Rx mode the transmit path (DAC core and Tx filter) is
powered on but the DAC core digital inputs are tri-stat-
ed on the D0–D9 bus. The switching time between Tx
to Rx or Rx to Tx is FAST because the converters are
on and do not have to recover from a power-down
state. In FAST mode, the switching time between Rx to
Tx and Tx to Rx is 1s. However, power consumption is
higher in this mode because both the Tx and Rx cores
are always on. To prevent bus contention in these
states, the Rx ADC output buffers are tri-stated during
Tx and the Tx DAC input bus is tri-stated during Rx.
In SLOW mode, the Rx ADC core is off during Tx; like-
wise the Tx DAC and filters are turned off during Rx to
yield lower power consumption in these modes. For
example, the power in SLOW Tx mode is 31.2mW. The
power consumption during Rx is 21mW compared to
power consumption in FAST mode of 38.4mW. However,
the recovery time between states is increased. The
switching time in SLOW mode between Rx to Tx is 5s
and Tx to Rx is 7.3s.
External T/R
R Switching Control vs.
Serial-Interface Control
Bit E3 in the ENABLE-16 register determines whether
the device Tx-Rx mode is controlled externally through
the T/R input (E3 = low) or through the SPI command
(E3 = high). By default, the MAX19700 is in the external
Tx-Rx control mode. In the external control mode, use
the T/R input (pin 27) to switch between Rx and Tx
modes. Using the T/R pin provides faster switching
between Rx and Tx modes. To override the external Tx-
Rx control, program the MAX19700 through the serial
interface. During SHDN, IDLE, or STBY modes, the T/R
input is overridden. To restore external Tx-Rx control,
program bit E3 low and exit the SHDN, IDLE, or STBY
modes through the serial interface.