EEPROM-Based System Monitors
with Nonvolatile Fault Memory
Fault Logging
If a specific input threshold is critical to the operation of
the system, an automatic fault log is configured to trig-
ger a transfer of fault information to EEPROM. The fault
log dependencies are configured through r58h–r5Ah,
as shown in Table 12. Logged fault information is read
from EEPROM locations r80h–r8Eh, as shown in Table
13. Once a fault log event occurs, the fault log feature
is locked and must be reset to enable a new fault log to
be stored. Write a ‘1’ to r5Fh[1] to reset the fault log.
Fault information always contains the fault flag registers
and is configured to also include the ADC result regis-
ters through r5Ch[7] (see the Miscellaneous Settings
section). All stored ADC results are the 8 MSBs of the
Miscellaneous Settings
Table 14 shows several miscellaneous programmable
items. Register r5Bh contains boot-up timeout and
remote temperature sensor filter cutoff settings.
Register r5Ch[1:0] sets the secondary overcurrent
threshold timeout, which is the amount of delay after an
overcurrent condition before the overcurrent condition
becomes a fault. All voltage thresholds include two
selectable hysteresis options programmed by r5Ch[5].
When r5Ch[6] = 1, the conditions programmed to
cause a fault log event must happen for two consecu-
tive ADC cycles rather than just one to provide an
improvement in noise immunity. Register r5Ch[7] con-
trols whether the ADC result registers are stored in
EEPROM after a fault log. Register r5Eh provides stor-
age space for a user-defined configuration or firmware
version number. Register r5Fh[0] locks and unlocks the
EEPROM and register set. Register r5Fh[1] indicates
whether a fault log event occurred and the correspond-
ing fault information is locked in EEPROM. Further fault
log conditions will not write new fault information to the
fault EEPROM until a ‘1’ is written to r5Fh[1].
Table 12. Fault Log Dependency
1 = Fault log triggered when IN1 is below its primary undervoltage threshold.
1 = Fault log triggered when IN2 is below its primary undervoltage threshold.
1 = Fault log triggered when IN3 is below its primary undervoltage threshold.
1 = Fault log triggered when IN4 is below its primary undervoltage threshold.
1 = Fault log triggered when IN5 is below its primary undervoltage threshold.
1 = Fault log triggered when IN6 is below its primary undervoltage threshold.
1 = Fault log triggered when IN7 is below its primary undervoltage threshold.
1 = Fault log triggered when IN8 is below its primary undervoltage threshold.
1 = Fault log triggered when IN1 is above its primary overvoltage threshold.
1 = Fault log triggered when IN2 is above its primary overvoltage threshold.
1 = Fault log triggered when IN3 is above its primary overvoltage threshold.
1 = Fault log triggered when IN4 is above its primary overvoltage threshold.
1 = Fault log triggered when IN5 is above its primary overvoltage threshold.
1 = Fault log triggered when IN6 is above its primary overvoltage threshold.
1 = Fault log triggered when IN7 is above its primary overvoltage threshold.
1 = Fault log triggered when IN8 is above its primary overvoltage threshold.
1 = Fault log triggered when current sense is above its primary overcurrent threshold.
1 = Faul l og tr g g er ed w hen i nter nal tem p er atur e sensor i s ab ove i s over em p er atur e thr eshol d
1 = Faul l og tr g g er ed w hen r em ote tem p er atur e sensor 1 i s ab ove i s over em p er atur e thr eshol d
1 = Faul l og tr g g er ed w hen r em ote tem p er atur e sensor 2 i s ab ove i s over em p er atur e thr eshol d
Not used.