vided the minimum acquisition time, tACQ, is kept
above 1.39s in bipolar mode and 1.67s in unipolar
mode. Data can be clocked out at 4MHz.
Output Data
The output data format is straight binary for unipolar
conversions and two’s complement in bipolar mode.
The MSB is shifted out of the MAX1134/MAX1135 first
in both modes.
Data Framing
The falling edge of CS does not start a conversion on the
MAX1134/MAX1135. The first logic high clocked into
DIN is interpreted as a start bit and defines the first bit of
the control byte. A conversion starts on the falling edge
of SCLK, after the seventh bit of the control byte (the P1
bit) is clocked into DIN. The start bit is defined as:
The first high bit clocked into DIN with CS low any-
time the converter is idle, e.g., after AVDD is
The first high bit clocked into DIN after CS is pulsed
high then low.
If a falling edge on CS forces a start bit before the con-
version or calibration is complete, then the current
operation terminates and a new one starts.
Applications Information
Power-On Reset
When power is first applied to the MAX1134/MAX1135,
or if RST is pulsed low, the internal calibration registers
are set to their default values. The user-programmable
registers (P0, P1, and P2) are low, and the device is
configured for bipolar mode with internal clocking.
Periodically calibrate the MAX1134/MAX1135 to com-
pensate for temperature drift and other variations. After
any change in ambient temperature of more than
+10°C, the device should be recalibrated. A 100mV
change in supply voltage or any change in the refer-
ence voltage should be followed by a calibration.
Calibration corrects for errors in gain, offset, integral
nonlinearity, and differential nonlinearity.
The MAX1134/MAX1135 should be calibrated after
power-up or after the assertion of reset. Make sure the
power supplies and the reference voltage have fully
settled prior to initiating the calibration sequence.
Initiate calibration by setting M1 = 0 and M0 = 1 in the
control byte. In internal clock mode, SSTRB goes low at
the beginning of calibration and goes high to signal the
end of calibration, approximately 80,000 clock cycles
later. In external clock mode, SSTRB goes high at the
beginning of calibration and goes low to signal the end
of calibration. Calibration should be performed in the
same clock mode that is used for conversions.
The MAX1134/MAX1135 require a 2.048V reference.
The reference must be bypassed with a 4.7F capaci-
tor. The input impedance at REF is a minimum of 16k
for DC currents. During conversion, the external refer-
ence at REF must deliver up to 150A DC load current
and have an output impedance of 10
or less.
Analog Input
The MAX1134/MAX1135 use a capacitive DAC that
provides an inherent track/hold function. Drive AIN with
a source impedance less than 10
. Any signal condi-
tioning circuitry must settle with 16-bit accuracy in less
than 500ns. Limit the input bandwidth to less than half
the sampling frequency to eliminate aliasing. The
MAX1134/MAX1135 have a complex input impedance
that varies from unipolar to bipolar mode (Figure 1).
Input Range
The analog input range in unipolar mode is 0 to +6V for
the MAX1134, and 0 to +2.048V for the MAX1135. In
bipolar mode, the analog input can be -6V to +6V for
the MAX1134, or -2.048V to +2.048V for the MAX1135.
Unipolar or bipolar mode is programmed with the
UNI/BIP bit of the control byte. When using a reference
other than the suggested 2.048V, the full-scale input
range varies accordingly. The full-scale input range
depends on the voltage at REF and the sampling mode
selected (Tables 3 and 4).
16-Bit ADCs, 150ksps, 3.3V Single Supply
+6 (VREF/2.048)
-6 (VREF/2.048)
+6 (VREF/2.048)
Table 3. Unipolar Full Scale and Zero
Table 4. Bipolar Full Scale, Zero Scale,
and Negative Full Scale