fore a new Program or Erase command is issued,
otherwise the new command will appear to fail.
Program Suspend Status (Bit 2)
The Program Suspend Status bit indicates that a
Program operation has been suspended and is
waiting to be resumed. The Program Suspend
Status should only be considered valid when the
Program/Erase Controller Status bit is set to ‘1’
(Program/Erase Controller inactive); after a Pro-
gram/Erase Suspend command is issued the
memory may still complete the operation rather
than entering the Suspend mode.
When the Program Suspend Status bit is set to ‘0’,
the Program/Erase Controller is active or has com-
pleted its operation; when the bit is set to ‘1’, a Pro-
gram/Erase Suspend command has been issued
and the memory is waiting for a Program/Erase
Resume command.
When a Program/Erase Resume command is is-
sued the Program Suspend Status bit returns to
Block Protection Status (Bit 1)
The Block Protection Status bit can be used to
identify if a Program or Erase operation has tried
to modify the contents of a protected block.
When the Block Protection Status bit is set to ‘0’,
no Program or Erase operations have been at-
tempted to protected blocks since the last Clear
Status Register command or hardware reset;
when the Block Protection Status bit is set to ‘1’, a
Program or Erase operation has been attempted
on a protected block.
Once set to ‘1’, the Block Protection Status bit can
only be reset Low by a Clear Status Register com-
mand or a hardware reset. If set to ‘1’ it should be
reset before a new Program or Erase command is
issued, otherwise the new command will appear to
Tuning Protection Status (Bit 0)
The Tuning Protection Status bit indicates if the
device is locked (Tuning Protection is enabled) or
unlocked (Tuning Protection is disabled).
When the Tuning Protection Status bit is set to ‘0’
the device is locked, when it is set to ‘1’ the device
is unlocked. After a reset or power-up the device is
locked and so bit0 is set to ‘0’.
The Tuning Protection Status bit is set to ‘1’ for the
M58BW016D version.
Table 11. Status Register Bits
Note: 1. For the M58BW016D version the Tuning Protection Status bit is always set to ‘1’.
Logic Level
Program/Erase Controller Status
Erase Suspend Status
In Progress or Completed
Erase Status
Erase Error
Erase Success
Program Status,
Tuning Protection Unlock Status
Program Error
Program Success
VPP Status
VPP Invalid, Abort
Program Suspend Status
In Progress or Completed
Erase/Program in a Protected
Program/Erase on Protected Block,
No Operations to Protected Sectors
Tuning Protection Status
Tuning Protection Disabled(1)
Tuning Protection Enabled