Burst Configuration Register
The Burst Configuration Register is used to config-
ure the type of bus access that the memory will
The Burst Configuration Register is set through
the Command Interface and will retain its informa-
tion until it is re-configured, the device is reset, or
the device goes into Reset/Power-Down mode.
The Burst Configuration Register bits are de-
scribed in Table
7. They specify the selection of
the burst length, burst type, burst X and Y laten-
cies and the Read operation. Refer to Figures
6 for examples of synchronous burst configu-
Read Select Bit (M15). The
M15, is used to switch between asynchronous and
synchronous Bus Read operations. When the
Read Select bit is set to ’1’, Bus Read operations
are asynchronous; when the Read Select but is
set to ’0’, Bus Read operations are synchronous.
On reset or power-up the Read Select bit is set
to’1’ for asynchronous accesses.
X-Latency Bits (M14-M11). The X-Latency bits
are used during Synchronous Bus Read opera-
tions to set the number of clock cycles between
the address being latched and the first data be-
coming available. For correct operation the X-La-
tency bits can only assume the values in Table
7,Burst Configuration Register. The X-Latency bits
should also be selected in conjunction with Table
,Burst Performance to ensure valid settings.
Y-Latency Bit (M9). The Y-Latency bit is used
during Synchronous Bus Read operations to set
the number of clock cycles between consecutive
reads. The Y-Latency value depends on both the
X-Latency value and the setting in M9.
When the Y-Latency is 1 the data changes each
clock cycle; when the Y-Latency is 2 the data
changes every second clock cycle. See Table
7,Burst Configuration Register and Table
, Burst
Performance, for valid combinations of the Y-La-
tency, the X-Latency and the Clock frequency.
Valid Data Ready Bit (M8). The
Ready bit controls the timing of the Valid Data
Ready output pin, R. When the Valid Data Ready
bit is ’0’ the Valid Data Ready output pin is driven
Low for the active clock edge when invalid data is
output on the bus. When the Valid Data Ready bit
is ’1’ the Valid Data Ready output pin is driven Low
one clock cycle prior to invalid data being output
on the bus.
Burst Type Bit (M7). The Burst Type bit is used
to configure the sequence of addresses read as
sequential or interleaved. When the Burst Type bit
is ’0’ the memory outputs from interleaved ad-
dresses; when the Burst Type bit is ’1’ the memory
outputs from sequential addresses. See Tables
8,Burst Type Definition, for the sequence of ad-
dresses output from a given starting address in
each mode.
Valid Clock Edge Bit (M6). The
Edge bit, M6, is used to configure the active edge
of the Clock, K, during Synchronous Burst Read
operations. When the Valid Clock Edge bit is ’0’
the falling edge of the Clock is the active edge;
when the Valid Clock Edge bit is ’1’ the rising edge
of the Clock is active.
Wrap Burst Bit (M3). The burst reads can be
confined inside the 4 or 8 Double-Word boundary
(wrap) or overcome the boundary (no wrap). The
Wrap Burst bit is used to select between wrap and
no wrap. When the Wrap Burst bit is set to ‘0’ the
burst read wraps; when it is set to ‘1’ the burst read
does not wrap.
Burst Length Bit (M2-M0). The Burst Length bits
set the maximum number of Double-Words that
can be output during a Synchronous Burst Read
operation before the address wraps. Burst lengths
of 4 or 8 are available for both the Sequential and
Interleaved burst types, and a continuous burst is
available for the Sequential type.
7, Burst Configuration Register gives the
valid combinations of the Burst Length bits that the
memory accepts; Table
8, Burst Type Definition,
gives the sequence of addresses output from a
given starting address for each length.
If either a Continuous or a No Wrap Burst Read
has been initiated the device will output data syn-
chronously. Depending on the starting address,
the device activates the Valid Data Ready output
to indicate that a delay is necessary before the
data is output. If the starting address is aligned to
an 8 Double Word boundary, the continuous burst
mode will run without activating the Valid Data
Ready output. If the starting address is not aligned
to an 8 Double Word boundary, Valid Data Ready
is activated to indicate that the device needs an in-
ternal delay to read the successive words in the ar-
M10, M5 and M4 are reserved for future use.