M41ST87Y, M41ST87W
Tamper Current Hi/Tamper Current Lo (TCHI/
TCLO1 and TCHI/TCLO2). This bit selects the
strength of the internal pull-up or pull-down used
during the sampling of the Normally Closed condi-
tion. The state of the TCHI/TCLOX Bit is a “Don’t
care” for Normally Open (TCMX = '1') mode (see
RAM Clear (CLR1 and CLR2). When either of
these bits and the TEBX Bit are set to a logic '1,'
the internal 128 bytes of user RAM (see
Figure 16,page 17) will be cleared to all zeros in the event of
a tamper condition. The 128 bytes of user RAM
will be deselected (invalid data will be read) until
the corresponding TEBX Bit is reset to '0.'
RAM Clear External (CLR1EXT and CLR2EXT).
When either of these bits are set to a logic '1' and
the TEBX Bit is also set to logic '1,' the external
SRAM will be cleared and the RST output enabled
Note: The reset output resulting from a tamper
event will be the same as a reset resulting from a
power-down condition, a watchdog time-out, or a
manual reset (RSTIN1 or RSTIN2).
This is accomplished by forcing TPCLR high, which
if used to control the inhibit pin of the DC regulator
depriving the external SRAM of power to the VCC
pin. VOUT will automatically be disconnected from
the battery if the tamper occurs during battery
DC regulator, the user will also prevent other in-
puts from sourcing current to the external SRAM,
allowing it to retain data.
The user may optionally connect an inverting
charge pump to the VCC pin of the external SRAM
cess technology used for the manufacturing of the
external SRAM, clearing the memory may require
varying durations of negative potential on the VCC
pin. This device configuration will allow the user to
program the time needed for their particular appli-
cation. Control Bits CLRPW0 and CLRPW1 deter-
mine the duration TPCLR will be enabled (see
Note: When using the inverting charge pump, the
user must also provide isolation in the form of two
additional small-signal power MOSFETs. These
will isolate the VOUT pin from both the negative
voltage generated by the charge pump during a
tamper condition, and from being pulled to ground
by the output of the charge pump when it is in shut-
down mode (SHDN = logic low). The gates of both
MOSFETs should be connected to TPCLR as
hancement MOSFET should be placed between
the output of the inverting charge pump and the
VOUT of the M41ST87. The other MOSFET should
be an enhancement mode p-channel, and placed
between VOUT of the M41ST87 and VCC of the ex-
ternal SRAM. When TPCLR goes high after a
tamper condition occurs, the n-channel MOSFET
will turn on and the p-channel will turn off. During
normal operating conditions, TPCLR will be low
and the p-channel will be on, while the n-channel
will be off.
Table 8. Tamper Detection Current (Normally Closed - TCMX = '0')
Note: 1. When calculating battery lifetime, this current should be added to IBAT current listed in Table 5, page 9. 2. Per Tamper Detect Input
Tamper Circuit Mode
Current at 3.0V (typ)(1,2)
Continuous Monitoring / 10M
Continuous Monitoring / 1M
Sampling (1Hz) / 10M
Sampling (1Hz) / 1M