KS0119 Data Sheet
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The KS0119 contains a conventional parallel microprocessor interface and a proprietary serial interface. The
parallel microprocessor interface consists of 11 pins, some of which are shared by the three pin serial bus. The logic
sense of the P/S control pin defines the host interface mode, parallel or serial. Three of the interface pins serve a
dual purpose depending upon the mode selected. The CS, R/W, and D7 pins in parallel mode become SFRS,
SCLK, and SDAT pins in serial mode, respectively.
8.1. Microprocessor Address Map
The KS0119 contains three groups of registers. The first group is the control registers. The control registers are used
for feature/option selection. The second group is the color palette RAM. The third group is the overlay color look up
table. Table 8 shows the microprocessor address map for the KS0119.
8.2. Transfer Mode
Both the read and write cycles require that the index be written to the KS0119 first. The index is written to location
ADDR = 08. The index is the internal address location for each register. The internal address is indicated by the
register number associated with each register. Once the index is written, the selected register can have data read
from or written to location ADDR = 09. Non-sequential internal registers are accessed individually by writing an
index and then reading or writing one byte of data. Sequential locations can be accessed by writing the index for the
first register and then reading or writing multiple bytes of data. The index auto-increments internally by one for each
successive byte of data accessed while ADDE = 09. This mode is useful when initializing the device or when
accessing word wide or blocks of registers.
The color palette and overlay CLUT operate in a similar fashion, except that separate index locations exist for read
and write operations. The color palette write index is written to ADDR=00, and palette data is written to ADDR=01.
For read operation, the index is written to ADDR=03. The color palette and overlay exhibit the same auto-increment
capability as the control registers. This simplifies loading the color palette.
8.3. Serial Host Interface
The serial interface is selected by connecting the P/S pin to ground. This interface uses three signals: SFRS, SDAT,
Table 8: Microprocessor Address Map
Color Palette Write Index
Color Palette Data
Pixel Mask Register
Color Palette Read Index
Overlay CLUT Write Index
Overlay CLUT Data
Overlay CLUT Read Index
Control Register Index
Control Register Data