Intersil products are manufactured, assembled and tested utilizing ISO9000 quality systems as noted
in the quality certifications found at www.intersil.com/design/quality
Intersil products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design, software and/or specifications at any time
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For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see www.intersil.com
June 20, 2012
Intersil Corporation is a leader in the design and manufacture of high-performance analog semiconductors. The Company's products
address some of the industry's fastest growing markets, such as, flat panel displays, cell phones, handheld products, and notebooks.
Intersil's product families address power management and analog signal processing functions. Go to
www.intersil.com/products for a
complete list of Intersil product families.
For a complete listing of Applications, Related Documentation and Related Parts, please see the respective device information page on
November 3, 2008 FN6668.1 Complete overhaul of data sheet.
Revised with final specs and text. Changes include:
Added text and equations for Ibat for temp sense ON, and for relative accuracy for 1m vs 10m interval
Added text clarifying that no compensation at Vbat<2.7V
Revised entire Daylights savings time section
Added Application Example for DST
Added requirement for Vbat>1.8V in Vbat note.
Added applications circuit to survive Vbat<1.8V
Corrected all occurrences of Alpha tables
Corrected equations in NPPM section
Bolded and shaded the COMPENSATON registers in
Table 1 to indicate READ ONLY and added note at top of table.
Added READ ONLY statements to IATR, ALPHA, BETA, XT0, ALPHAH
Fixed blank bits in register tables and in text.
Register table: Change default values for compensation to xx's, they are different with each device.
Added Datasheet curves
Add statement to applications section on crystal handling
Updated Pb-free note according to lead finish (Order Info)
Removed the "VDD" from the title on the first page
Global change for VBAT and VDD throughout document. Made the "BAT" and "DD" subscript.
Included Battery Reseal Function in Features and Description on page 1
Note 3 page 5, lower case "i" as in "inactive"
Included symbol "Temp" for temp sensor accuracy in DC table
First paragraph of DST Forward Registers had incorrect address stated (changed from 15h to 20h)
Corrected register 20h on
page 22; added the DSTE bit to column 7
page 19, corrected to "NPPM = IPPM+ALPHA(T-XT0)2/4096"
February 29, 2008
FN6668.0 Initial Release with FN6668 making this a Rev 0.
Revision History
The revision history provided is for informational purposes only and is believed to be accurate, but not warranted. Please go to web to make sure you
have the latest Rev. (Continued)