Rev. 1.20
July 2, 2001
Interrupt Control Register (INTC;0BH) con-
tains the interrupt control bits to set the en-
able/disable and the interrupt request flags.
Once an interrupt subroutine is serviced, all
the other interrupts will be blocked (by clearing
the EMI bit). This scheme may prevent any fur-
ther interrupt nesting. Other interrupt re-
quests may happen during this interval but
only the interrupt request flag is recorded. If a
certain interrupt requires servicing within the
service routine, the EMI bit andthecorrespond-
ing bit of INTC may be set to allow interrupt
nesting. If the stack is full, the interrupt request
will not be acknowledged, even if the related in-
terrupt is enabled, until the SP is decremented.
If immediate service is desired, the stack must
be prevented from becoming full.
All these kinds of interrupts have a wake-up ca-
pability. As an interrupt is serviced, a control
onto the stack, followed by a branch to a sub-
routine at specified location in the program
memory. Only the program counter is pushed
onto the stack. If the contents of the register or
status register (STATUS) are altered by the in-
terrupt service program which corrupts the de-
sired control sequence, the contents should be
saved in advance.
External interrupts are triggered by a high to
low transition of INT and the related interrupt
request flag (EIF; bit 4 of INTC) will be set.
When the interrupt is enabled, the stack is not
full and the external interrupt is active, a sub-
routine call to location 04H will occur. The in-
terrupt request flag (EIF) and EMI bits will be
cleared to disable other interrupts.
The internal timer/event counter interrupt is
initialized by setting the timer/event counter
interrupt request flag (TF; bit 5 of INTC),
caused by a timer overflow. When the interrupt
is enabled, the stack is not full and the TF bit is
set, a subroutine call to location 08H will occur.
The related interrupt request flag (TF) will be
reset and the EMI bit cleared to disable further
other interrupt acknowledgments are held until
the "RETI" instruction is executed or the EMI
1 (of course, if the stack is not full). To return
from the interrupt subroutine, "RET" or "RETI"
may be invoked. RETI will set the EMI bit to en-
able an interrupt service, but RET will not.
row does not take place during a subtraction operation; otherwise C is cleared. C
is also affected by a rotate through carry instruction.
borrow from the high nibble into the low nibble in subtraction; otherwise AC is
Z is set if the result of an arithmetic or logic operation is zero; otherwise Z is
OV is set if the operation results in a carry into the highest-order bit but not a
carry out of the highest-order bit, or vice versa; otherwise OV is cleared.
PD is cleared by system power-up or executing the "CLR WDT" instruction. PD
is set by executing the "HALT" instruction.
TO is cleared by system power-up or executing the "CLR WDT" or "HALT" in-
struction. TO is set by a WDT time-out.
Unused bit, read as "0"
Unused bit, read as "0"
Status register