Mobile Intel
Celeron Processor (0.18μ) in BGA2 and Micro-PGA2 Packages
Order Number#249563-001
BNR# (I/O - GTL+)
The BNR# (Block Next Request) signal is used to assert a bus stall by any bus agent that is unable
to accept new bus transactions. During a bus stall, the current bus owner cannot issue any new
Since multiple agents may need to request a bus stall simultaneously, BNR# is a wired-OR signal
that must be connected to the appropriate pins/balls of both agents on the system bus. In order to
avoid wire-OR glitches associated with simultaneous edge transitions driven by multiple drivers,
BNR# is activated on specific clock edges and sampled on specific clock edges.
BP[3:2]# (I/O - GTL+)
The BP[3:2]# (Breakpoint) signals are the System Support group Breakpoint signals. They are
outputs from the processor that indicate the status of breakpoints.
BPM[1:0]# (I/O - GTL+)
The BPM[1:0]# (Breakpoint Monitor) signals are breakpoint and performance monitor signals.
They are outputs from the processor that indicate the status of breakpoints and programmable
counters used for monitoring processor performance.
BPRI# (I - GTL+)
The BPRI# (Bus Priority Request) signal is used to arbitrate for ownership of the system bus. It
must be connected to the appropriate pins/balls on both agents on the system bus. Observing
BPRI# active (as asserted by the priority agent) causes the processor to stop issuing new requests,
unless such requests are part of an ongoing locked operation. The priority agent keeps BPRI#
asserted until all of its requests are completed and then releases the bus by deasserting BPRI#.
BREQ0# (I/O - GTL+)
The BREQ0# (Bus Request) signal is a processor Arbitration Bus signal. The processor indicates
that it wants ownership of the system bus by asserting the BREQ0# signal.
During power-up configuration, the central agent must assert the BREQ0# bus signal. The
processor samples BREQ0# on the active-to-inactive transition of RESET#.
BSEL[1:0] (I - 3.3V Tolerant)
The BSEL[1:0] (Select Processor System Bus Speed) signal is used to configure the processor for
the system bus frequency. Table 35 shows the encoding scheme for BSEL[1:0]. The only
supported system bus frequency for the mobile Intel Celeron processor is 100 MHz. If another
frequency is used or if the BSEL[1:0] signals are not driven with “01” then the processor is not
guaranteed to function properly.