even-order harmonics are minimized
improves the noise immunity based on the converter’s
common-mode input rejection
Using the single-ended mode, the signal is applied to one of
the inputs, while the other input is biased with a DC voltage
to the required common-mode level. Both inputs are equal in
terms of their impedance and performance, except that
applying the signal to the complementary input (IN) instead
of the IN input will invert the input signal relative to the
output code. For example, in case the input driver operates
in inverting mode, using IN as the signal input will restore
the phase of the signal to its original orientation. Time-
domain applications may benefit from a single-ended inter-
face configuration and its reduced circuit complexity. While
maintaining good signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), driving the
ADS807 with a single-ended signal will result in a reduction
of the distortion performance. Employing dual supply am-
plifiers and AC-coupling will usually yield the best results,
while DC-coupling and/or single-supply amplifiers impose
additional design constraints due to their headroom require-
ments, especially when selecting the 3Vp-p input range.
However, single-supply amplifiers have the advantage of
inherently limiting their output swing to within the supply
rails. Alternatively, a voltage limiting amplifier, like the
OPA688, may be considered to set fixed-signal limits and
avoid any severe overrange condition for the A/D converter.
The full-scale input range of the ADS807 is defined by the
reference voltages. For example, setting the range select pin
to FS
= LOW, and using the internal references (REFT =
+3.0V and REFTB = +2.0V), the full-scale range is defined
to: FSR = 2 (REFT – REFB) = 2Vp-p.
The trade-off of the differential input configuration versus
the single-ended is its higher complexity. In either case, the
selection of the driver amplifier should be such that the
amplifier’s performance will not degrade the A/D’s perfor-
mance. The ADS807 operates on a single power supply,
which requires a level shift to a ground-based bipolar input
signals to comply with its input voltage range requirements.
The input of the ADS807 is of a capacitive nature and the
driving source needs to provide the current to charge or
discharge the input sampling capacitor while the track-and-
hold is in track mode. This effectively results in a dynamic
input impedance which depends on the sampling frequency.
It most applications, it is recommended to add a series
resistor, typically 20
to 50
, between the drive source and
the converter inputs. This will isolate the capacitive input
from the source, which can be crucial to avoid gain peaking
when using wideband operational amplifiers. Secondly, it
will create a first-order, low-pass filter in conjunction with
the specified input capacitance of the ADS807. Its cut-off
frequency can be adjusted even further by adding an external
shunt capacitor from each signal input to ground. The
optimum values of this R-C network depend on a variety of
factors which include the ADS807 sampling rate, the se-
lected op amp, the interface configuration and the particular
application (time domain versus frequency domain). Gener-
ally, increasing the size of the series resistor and/or capacitor
The ADS807 is a high-speed CMOS A/D converter which
employs a pipelined converter architecture consisting of 12
internal stages. Each stage feeds its data into the digital error
correction logic ensuring excellent differential linearity and
no missing codes at the 12-bit level. The output data be-
comes valid after the rising clock edge (see Timing Dia-
gram). The pipeline architecture results in a data latency of
6 clock cycles.
The analog input of the ADS807 consists of a differential
track-and-hold circuit. The differential topology along with
tightly matched poly-poly capacitors produce a high level of
AC performance at high sampling rates and in undersampling
Both inputs (IN, IN) require external biasing using a com-
mon-mode voltage that is typically at the mid-supply level
The analog inputs of the ADS807 are a very high imped-
ance. They should be driven through an R-C network
designed to pass the highest frequency of interest. This
prevents high frequency noise in the input from affecting
SFDR and SNR. The ADS807 can be used in a wide variety
of applications and deciding on the best performing analog
interface circuit depends on the type of application. The
circuit definition should include considerations of input
frequency spectrum and amplitude, single-ended or differ-
ential drive and available power supplies. For example,
communication (frequency domain) applications process
frequency bands not including DC. In imaging (time do-
main) applications, the input DC component must be main-
tained into the A/D converter. Features of the ADS807,
including full-scale select (FS
), external reference, and
CM output provide flexibility to accommodate a wide range
of applications. The ADS807 should be configured to meet
application objectives while observing the headroom re-
quirements of the driving amplifiers to yield the best overall
The ADS807 input structure allows it to be driven either
single-ended or differentially. Differential operation of the
ADS807 requires an in-phase input signal and a 180
phase part simultaneously applied to the inputs (IN, IN).
The differential operation offers a number of advantages
which, in most applications, will be instrumental in achiev-
ing the best dynamic performance of the ADS807:
the signal swing is half of that required for the single-
ended operation and therefore, is less demanding to achieve
while maintaining good linearity performance from the
signal source
the reduced signal swing allows for more headroom in the
interface circuitry and therefore, a wider selection of the
best suitable driver op amp