Rev. 0 | Page 26 of 40
The AD8176 is a non-blocking crosspoint with 16 RGB input
channels and 9 RGB output channels. Architecturally, the
AD8176 is a differential-in, differential-out crosspoint suited for
middle-of-Cat-5-run applications. Furthermore, its differential-
in, differential-out gain of +4 and its decoded H and V sync
outputs make it the ideal solution for driving a monitor directly.
The ability to set the output common mode (CM) and black
level through external pins offers additional flexibility.
Processing of CM voltage levels is achieved by placing the
AD8176 in either of its two operation modes. In the first
operation mode (CMENC low), the input CM of each RGB
differential pair (possibly present either in the form of sync-on
CM signaling or noise) is removed through the switch, and the
output CM is set to a global reference voltage via the VOCM_
CMENCOFF analog input. In this mode, the AD8176 behaves
as a traditional differential-in, differential-out switch. If sync-on
CM signaling is present at the differential RGB inputs, then the
H and V outputs represent decoded syncs. In the second opera-
tion mode (CMENC high), input sync-on CM signaling is
propagated through the switch with unity gain. In this mode,
the overall output CM is set to a global reference voltage via the
VOCM_CMENCON analog input. Note that in both operation
modes, the overall input CM is blocked through the switch.
Input pin VBLK defines the black level of the positive output
phase. The combination of VBLK and VOCM_CMENCOFF
allows the user to position the positive and negative output
phases anywhere in the allowable output voltage range, thus
maximizing output headroom usage.
The switch is organized into nine 16:1 RBG multiplexers, with
each being responsible for connecting an RGB input channel to
its respective RGB output channel. Decoding logic selects a
single input (or none) in each multiplexer and connects it to its
respective output. Feedback around each multiplexer realizes a
closed-loop differential-in, differential-out gain of +2 in the core.
Each differential RGB input channel is buffered by a differential
receiver, which is capable of accepting input CM voltages extend-
ing all the way to either supply rail. Excess closed-loop receiver
bandwidth reduces the receiver’s effect on the overall device
bandwidth. Feedback around each differential receiver realizes
a gain of +2 yielding an overall differential-in, differential-out
crosspoint gain of +4. A separate loop realizes a closed-loop
common-mode gain of +1.
The output stage is designed for fast slew rate and settling time
while driving a series-terminated Cat-5 cable. Unlike competing
multiplexer designs, the small signal bandwidth closely
approaches the large signal bandwidth.
The outputs of the AD8176 can be disabled to minimize
on-chip power dissipation. When disabled, there is only a
common-mode feedback network of 2.7 kΩ between the
differential outputs. This high impedance allows multiple ICs
to be bussed together without additional buffering. Care must
be taken to reduce output capacitance, which can result in
overshoot and frequency-domain peaking. A series of internal
amplifiers drive internal nodes such that wideband high imped-
ance is presented at the disabled output, even while the output
bus experiences fast signal swings. When the outputs are disabled
and driven externally, the voltage applied to them should not
exceed the valid output swing range for the AD8176 in order to
keep these internal amplifiers in their linear range of operation.
Applying excessive differential voltages to the disabled outputs
can cause damage to the AD8176 and should be avoided (see the
The connectivity of the AD8176 is controlled by a flexible TTL-
compatible logic interface. Either parallel or serial loading into a
first rank of latches preprograms each output. A global update
signal moves the programming data into the second rank of
latches, simultaneously updating all outputs. In serial mode, a
serial-out pin allows devices to be daisy-chained together for a
single-pin programming of multiple ICs. A power-on reset pin
is available to avoid bus conflicts by disabling all outputs. This
power-on reset clears the second rank of latches, but does not
clear the first rank of latches. A broadcast parallel programming
feature is available in parallel mode to quickly clear the first
rank. In serial mode, preprogramming individual inputs is not
possible and the entire shift register needs to be flushed. A
global chip-select pin gates the input clock and the global
update signal to the second rank of buffers.
The AD8176 can operate on a single +5 V supply, powering
both the signal path (with the VPOS/VNEG supply pins) and
the control logic interface (with the VDD/DGND supply pins).
Split supply operation is possible with ±2.5 V supplies in order
to easily interface to ground-referenced video signals. In this
case, a flexible logic interface allows the control logic supplies
(VDD/DGND) to be run off +5 V/0 V to +3.3 V/0 V while the
analog core remains on split supplies. Additional flexibility in
the analog output common-mode level (VOCM_CMENCOFF)
and output black level (VBLK) facilitates operation with
unequally split supplies. If +3 V/2 V supplies to +2 V/3 V
supplies are desired, the output CM can still be set to 0 V for
ground-referenced video signals.