Varying the Master Clock
Although the AD7722 is specified with a master clock of 12.5 MHz,
the AD7722 operates with clock frequencies up to 15 MHz and
as low as 300 kHz. The input sample rate, output word rate, and
frequency response of the digital filter are directly proportional
to the master clock frequency. For example, reducing the clock
frequency to 5 MHz leads to an analog input sample rate of
10 MHz, an output word rate of 78.125 kSPS, a pass-band
frequency of 36.25 kHz, a cutoff frequency of 38.77 kHz, and a
stop-band frequency of 41.875 kHz.
The AD7722 digital filter contains a sequencer block that
controls the digital interface and all the control logic needed to
operate the digital filter. A 14-bit cycle counter keeps track of
where the filters are in their overall operating cycle and decodes
the digital interface signals to the AD7722. The cycle counter
has a number of important transition points. In particular, the
bottom six bits control the convolution counter that decimates
by 64 to the update rate of the output data register. The counter’s
top bit is used to provide ample time (8192 CLKIN cycles) to
allow the modulator and digital filter to settle as the AD7722
sequences through its autocalibration process. The counter
increments on the rising edge of the signal at the CLKIN pin and
all of the digital I/O signals are synchronous with this clock. The
upper bit of this counter also controls when DVAL or
indicates that valid data is available in the output data register
after a SYNC, RESET, CAL, or initial FSI. During normal
operation, the delay of 128 conversions (8192 CLKIN cycles)
should not be confused with the actual settling time (5376
CLKIN cycles) and group delay (2688 CLKIN cycles) of the
digital filter.
SYNC Input
The SYNC input provides a synchronization function for use in
parallel or serial mode. SYNC allows the user to start gathering
samples of the analog input from a known point in time. This
allows a system using multiple AD7722s, operated from a common
master clock, to be synchronized so that each ADC updates its
output register simultaneously. The SYNC input resets the digital
filter without affecting the contents of the calibration registers.
In a system using multiple AD7722s, a common signal to their
sync input will synchronize their operation. On the rising edge
of SYNC, the digital filter sequencer counter is reset to zero.
The filter is held in a reset state until a rising edge on CLKIN
senses SYNC low. A SYNC pulse, one CLKIN cycle long, can
be applied synchronous to the falling edge of CLKIN. This way,
on the next rising edge of CLKIN, SYNC is sensed low, the
filter is taken out of its reset state, and multiple parts start to
gather input samples.
In serial mode, DVAL remains low for 8192 CLKIN cycles to
allow the modulator and digital filter to settle. In parallel mode,
DRDY remains high for an additional 64 CLKIN cycles when
valid data is loaded into the output register. After a SYNC, conver-
sion data is not valid until the digital filter settles (see Figure 7).
The DVAL pin, when used in the serial mode, indicates if invalid
data may be present at the ADC output. There are four events that
can cause DVAL to be deasserted, and they have different impli-
cations for how long the results should be considered invalid.
DVAL is set low if there is an overflow condition in the first stage
of the digital filter. The overflow can result from an analog input
signal nearly twice the allowable maximum input span. When an
overflow condition is detected, DVAL is set low for 64 CLKIN
cycles (one output period) and the output data is clipped to
either positive or negative full scale depending on the sign of the
overflow. After the next convolution is completed (64 CLKIN
cycles), if the overflow condition does not exist, DVAL goes
high to indicate that a valid output is available. Otherwise, DVAL
will remain low until the overflow condition is eliminated.
The second stage digital filter can overflow as a result of overflow
from the first stage. The overflow condition is detected when
the second stage filter calculates a conversion result that exceeds
either plus or minus full scale (i.e., below –32,768 or above
32,767 in bipolar mode). When the overflow is detected, DVAL
is set low and the output register is updated with either positive
or negative full scale, depending on the sign of the overload.
After the next convolution is completed, DVAL returns high
if the next conversion result is within the full-scale range.
As with all high order
Σ- modulators, large overloads on the
analog input can cause the modulator to go unstable. The
modulator is designed to be stable with input signals as high as
twice full scale within the input bandwidth. Out-of-band signals
as high as the full-scale range will not cause instability. When
instability is detected by internal circuits, DVAL is set low and
the output is clipped to either positive or negative full scale
depending on the polarity of the overload. The modulator is
reset to a stable state, and the digital filter sequencer counter is
reset. DVAL is set low for a minimum of 8192 CLKIN cycles
while the modulator settles out, and the digital filter accumu-
lates new samples. DVAL returns high to indicate that valid
data is available from the serial output register 8192 CLKIN
cycles after the overload condition is removed.
Lastly, DVAL also indicates when valid data is available at the
serial interface after initial power-up or upon completion of a
CAL, RESET, or SYNC sequence.
Reset Input
The AD7722 RESET input controls the digital filter the same
as the SYNC input described previously. Additionally, it resets
the modulator by shorting its integrator capacitors and clears
the on-chip calibration registers so that the conversion results
are not corrected for offset or gain error.
Power-On Reset
A power-on reset function is provided to reset the AD7722
internal logic after initial power-up. On power-up, the offset and
gain calibration registers are cleared.