Product Specification
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Document No. 70-0236-05
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2007-2011 Peregrine Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved.
Figure 10. Package Drawing
44-lead CQFJ
Table 10. Ordering Information
All dimensions are in inches
Order Code
Part Marking
Shipping Method
PE97042 ES
Engineering Samples
44-pin CQFJ
40 units / Tray
Flight Units
44-pin CQFJ
40 units / Tray
PE97042 EK
Evaluation Kit
1 / Box
Die Production Units
100 units / Waffle Pack
Advance Information: The product is in a formative or design stage. The datasheet contains
design target specifications for product development. Specifications and features may change in
any manner without notice. Preliminary Specification: The datasheet contains preliminary data.
Additional data may be added at a later date. Peregrine reserves the right to change specifications
at any time without notice in order to supply the best possible product. Product Specification:
The datasheet contains final data. In the event Peregrine decides to change the specifications,
Peregrine will notify customers of the intended changes by issuing a CNF (Customer Notification
The information in this datasheet is believed to be reliable. However, Peregrine assumes no
liability for the use of this information. Use shall be entirely at the user’s own risk.
No patent rights or licenses to any circuits described in this datasheet are implied or granted to any third
Peregrine’s products are not designed or intended for use in devices or systems intended for surgical
implant, or in other applications intended to support or sustain life, or in any application in which the failure
of the Peregrine product could create a situation in which personal injury or death might occur. Peregrine
assumes no liability for damages, including consequential or incidental damages, arising out of the use of
its products in such applications.
The Peregrine name, logo, and UTSi are registered trademarks and UltraCMOS, HaRP, MultiSwitch and
DuNE are trademarks of Peregrine Semiconductor Corp.
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For Sales and contact information please visit www.psemi.com.