P is the power dissipated by the device
In this environment, it can be assumed that all the heat is dissipated to the ambient through the heat sink, so the junction-to-ambient
thermal resistance is the sum of the resistances from the junction to the case, from the case to the heat sink, and from the heat sink to
the ambient.
Note that verification of external thermal resistance and case temperature should be performed for each application. Thermal resis-
tance can vary considerably due to many factors including degree of air turbulence.
For a power dissipation of 2.5 Watts in an ambient temperature of 40
°C at 1 m/sec with the heat sink measured above, the junction
temperature of the device would be as follows :
Tj = Ta + Rqja * P
Tj = 40°C + (10°C/Watt * 2.5 watts) = 65°C
which is well within the reliability limits of the device.
Notes :
1. Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance is based on measurements on single-sided printed circuit boards per SEMI (Semiconductor Equip-
ment and Materials International) G38-87 in natural convection.
2. Junction-to-case thermal resistance is based on measurements using a cold plate per SEMI G30-88 with the exception that the cold plate
temperature is used for the case temperature.
3.5.2.CBGA255 package
The data found in this section concerns 603p’s packaged in the 255-lead 21 mm multi-layer ceramic (MLC), ceramic BGA package.
Data is shown for two cases, the expoded-die case (no heat sink) and using the Thermalloy 2338-pin fin heat sink. Thermal characteristics
The internal thermal resistance for this package is negligible due to the exposed die design. A heat sink is attached directly to the
silicon die surface only when external thermal enhancement is necessary.
Additionally, the CBGA package offers an excellent thermal connection to the card and power planes. Heat generated at the chip is
dissipated through the package, the heat sink (when used) and the card. The parallel heat flow paths result in the lowest overall
thermal resistance as well as offer significaltly better power dissipation capability when a heat sink is not used.
The thermal characteristics for the flip–chip CBGA package are as follows :
Thermal resistance (junction-to-case) = Rqjc or qjc = 0.08°C/Watt.
Thermal resistance (junction-to-ball) = Rqjb or qjb = 2.8°C/Watt . Thermal management example
The calculations are performed exactly as shown in theprevious section for CPFP240. Figure 6 shows typical thermal performance
data for the 21 mm CBGA package mounted to a test card.
Approach air velocity (m/sec)
CBGA with exposed die
CBGA with thermalloy
2338B-pin fin heat sink
qja (°C/W)
Assumptions :
1. 2P card with 1 OZ Cu planes
2. 63 mm x 76 mm card
3. Air flow on both sides of card
4. Vercical orientation
5. 2-stage epoxy heat sink attach
Figure 6 : CBGA thermal management example
Temperature calculations are also performed identically to those in the previous section. For a power dissipation of 2.5 Watts in an
ambient of 40
°C at 1.0 m/sec, the associated overall thermal resistance and junction temperature, found in Table 6 will result.