Instruction Fetch Cycle Break
1. Making an instruction fetch/read/word setting made in the break bus cycle register
(BBRA/BBRB) enables an instruction fetch cycle to be set as a break condition. In this case,
pre- or post-execution of the instruction can be selected by means of bit PCBA/PCBB in the
break control register (BRCR).
2. When instructions are fetched consecutively, 32 bits (two instructions) are fetched in one bus
cycle. In this case, although only one bus cycle is generated, breaks can be set for both
instructions by setting the start addresses of the respective instructions in the break address
registers (BARA and BARB).
3. With an instruction subject to a pre-execution break, the break is executed when it has been
confirmed that the instruction has been fetched and is to be executed. Consequently, an overrun-
fetched instruction (an instruction fetched but not executed in the event of a branch or
exception) cannot be subject to a break. If an exception when an instruction subject to a break
is fetched, exception processing is performed first, and the break is executed only when the
instruction is re-executed.
Since a delayed branch instruction and delay slot instruction are executed as a single instruction,
if a pre-execution condition is specified for the delay slot instruction, a break is made before
execution of the delayed branch instruction. However, a pre-execution break condition cannot be
specified for an RTE instruction delay slot instruction.
4. With a post-execution condition, the instruction set as the break condition is executed and a
break trap is generated before the next instruction is executed. In the same way, a break cannot
be specified for an overrun-fetch instruction. When a post-execution condition is set for a
delayed branch instruction, similarly, the break is made after executing the delay slot and before
executing the instruction at the branch destination.
5. When an instruction fetch cycle is set for channel B, break data register B (BDRB) is ignored.
Therefore, break data need not be set for an instruction fetch cycle break.
6. Instruction fetch cycle breaks cannot be specified consecutively for a delayed branch instruction
and its delay slot.