PEB 22554
Operational Description E1
Semiconductor Group
100…RSIG : Receive Signaling Data (Output)
The received CAS multiframe is transmitted on this pin. Time-
slots on RSIG correlates directly to the time-slot assignment on
RDO. In system interface multiplex mode all four received
signaling data streams are merged into a single rail data stream
byte or bit interleaved on RSIG1.
101…DLR : Data Link Bit Receive (Output)
Marks the SA8-4 bits within the data stream on RDO.
110…FREEZ : Freeze Signaling (Output)
The freeze signaling status is active high by detecting a Loss of
Signal alarm, or a Loss of CAS Frame Alignment or a receive
slip (pos. or neg.). It will hold high for at least one complete
multiframe after the alarm disappears. Setting SIC2.FFS
enforces a high on pin FREEZ.
111…RFSP : Receive Frame Synchronous Pulse (Output)
Marks the frame begin in the receivers synchrounous state.
This marker is active low for 488 ns with a frequency of 8 kHz.
XPC2 ...0…
Transmit multifunction Port Configuration
The multifunction ports XP(A-D) are bidirectional. After Reset these
ports are configured as inputs. With the selection of the pin function
the In/Output configuration is also achieved. Each of the four different
input functions ( SYPX, XMFS, XSIG, TCLK ) may only be selected
once. No input function should be selected twice or more. SYPX and
XMFS should not be selected in parallel. Register PC1 configures
port XPA,while PC2 --> port XPB, PC3 --> port XPC and PC4 --> port
000…SYPX: Synchronous Pulse Transmit (Input)
Together with register XC1/0 SYPX defines the frame begin on
the transmit system interface ports XDI and XSIG.
001…XMFS : Transmit Multiframe Synchronization (Input)
Together with register XC1/0 XMFS defines the frame and
multiframe begin on the transmit system interface ports XDI
and XSIG. Depending on PC5.CXMFS the signal on XMFS is
active high or low.
010…XSIG : Transmit Signaling Data (Input)
Input for transmit signaling data received from the signaling
highway. In system interface multiplex mode latching of the
data stream containing the 4 signaling multiframes is done byte
or bit interleaved on port XDI1. Optionally sampling of XSIG
data is controlled by the active high XSIGM marker.