Lucent Technologies Inc.
Preliminary Data Sheet, Rev. 1
ORCA Series 3 FPGAs
September 1998
Programmable Logic Cells (continued)
PLC Latches/Flip-Flops
The eight general-purpose latches/FFs in the PFU can
be used in a variety of configurations. In some cases,
the configuration options apply to all eight latches/FFs
in the PFU and some apply to the latches/FFs on a nib-
ble-wide basis where the ninth FF is considered inde-
pendently. For other options, each latch/FF is
independently programmable. In addition, the ninth FF
can be used for a variety of functions.
Table 7 summarizes these latch/FF options. The
latches/FFs can be configured as either positive or
negative level sensitive latches, or positive or negative
edge-triggered flip-flops (the ninth register can only be
FF). All latches/FFs in a given PFU share the same
clock, and the clock to these latches/FFs can be
inverted. The input into each latch/FF is from either the
corresponding LUT output (F[7:0]) or the direct data
input (DIN[7:0]). The latch/FF input can also be tied to
logic 1 or to logic 0, which is the default.
* Not available for FF[8].
The eight latches/FFs in a PFU share the clock (CLK)
and options for clock enable (CE), local set/reset
(LSR), and front-end data select (SEL) inputs. When
CE is disabled, each latch/FF retains its previous value
when clocked. The clock enable, LSR, and SEL inputs
can be inverted to be active-low.
The set/reset operation of the latch/FF is controlled by
two parameters: reset mode and set/reset value. When
the global set/reset (GSRN) and local set/reset (LSR)
signals are not asserted, the latch/FF operates nor-
mally. The reset mode is used to select a synchronous
or asynchronous LSR operation. If synchronous, LSR
has the option to be enabled only if clock enable (CE or
ASWE) is active or for LSR to have priority over the
clock enable input, thereby setting/resetting the FF
independent of the state of the clock enable. The clock
enable is supported on FFs, not latches. It is imple-
mented by using a 2-input multiplexer on the FF input,
with one input being the previous state of the FF and
the other input being the new data applied to the FF.
The select of this 2-input multiplexer is clock enable
(CE or ASWE), which selects either the new data or the
previous state. When the clock enable is inactive, the
FF output does not change when the clock edge
Table 7. Configuration RAM Controlled Latch/
Flip-Flop Operation
Common to All Latches/FFs in PFU
LSR Operation
Asynchronous or synchronous
Clock Polarity
Noninverted or inverted
Front-end Select*
Direct (DIN[7:0]) or from LUT
LSR Priority
Either LSR or CE has priority
Latch/FF Mode
Latch or flip-flop
Enable GSRN
GSRN enabled or has no effect on
PFU latches/FFs
Set Individually in Each Latch/FF in PFU
Set/Reset Mode
Set or reset
By Group (Latch/FF[3:0], Latch/FF[7:4], and FF[8])
Clock Enable
CE or ASWE or none
LSR Control
LSR or none