Lucent Technologies Inc.
Data Sheet
June 1999
ORCA Series 2 FPGAs
208-Pin SQFP, 178
208-Pin SQFP2, 179
240-Pin SQFP, 180
240-Pin SQFP2, 181
256-Pin PBGA, 182
304-Pin SQFP, 183
304-Pin SQFP2, 184
352-Pin PBGA, 185
432-Pin EBGA, 186
Terms and Definitions, 173
Pin Information, 71—125
84-Pin PLCC, 71
100-Pin TQFP 73
144-Pin TQFP 75
160-Pin QFP 77
208-Pin SQFP/SQFP2, 81
240-Pin SQFP/SQFP2, 86
256-Pin PBGA, 92
304-Pin SQFP/SQFP2, 99
352-Pin PBGA, 106
432-Pin EBGA Pinout, 116
Package Compatibility, 68—70
Pin Descriptions, 71
Power Dissipation, 61—65
5 V Tolerant I/O, 64
OR2CxxA, 61
OR2TxxA, 63
Programmable Function Unit (PFU), 5—16
Control Inputs, 5, 7
Operating Modes, 7—15
Latches/Flip-Flops, 15—16
Programmable Input/Output Cells (PICs), 25—31
5 V Tolerant I/O, 26
Architecture, 29—30
Inputs, 25
Outputs, 26
Open-Drain Output Option, 26
Propagation Delays, 26
Overview, 25
Zero-Hold Input, 25
Programmable Logic Cells (PLCs), 5—24
Architecture, 22—24
Latches/Flip-Flops, 15—16
PFU, 5—16
Routing, 17—24
RAM (see also FPGA Configuration), 17, 44, 135, 142
Dual-port, 3, 7, 13—15
Single-port, 3, 7, 12—15
Recommended Operating Conditions, 129
Reconfiguration (see FPGA States of Operation)
3-Statable Bidirectional Buffers, 17—18, 148
Clock Routing, 24, 149—153
(see also Clock Distribution Network)
Configurable Interconnect Points (CIPs), 17
Fast-Carry Routing, 24
Inter-PLC Routing Resources, 18—19
Interquad Routing, 5, 17, 32—36
Intra-PLC Routing Resources, 18
Minimizing Routing Delay, 20
PLC Routing, 17—24, 34
Programmable Corner Cell Routing, 37
PIC Routing, 27—31
Boundary Scan, 54–59
Global 3-State Control (TS_ALL), 37, 66
Global Set/Reset (GSRN), 7, 16, 37
Internal Oscillator, 37
Readback Logic, 37
Start-up, 41 (see also FPGA States of Operation)
Subtractor (see LUT Operating Modes)
System Clock (see Clock Distribution Network)
3-state (see Bidirectional Buffers, TS_ALL)
Timing Characteristics, 132–168
Asynchronous Peripheral Configuration Mode, 163
Boundary-Scan Timing, 168
Clock Timing, 149
General Configuration Mode Timing, 158
Master Parallel Configuration Mode, 162
Master Serial Configuration Mode, 161
PFU Timing, 132
PIO Timing, 154
PLC Timing, 148
Readback Timing, 167
Slave Parallel Configuration Mode, 166
Slave Serial Configuration Mode, 165
Tolerant I/O, 26 (see also 5 V Tolerant I/O)
TS_ALL, 1, 37, 66
Zero-hold Inputs, 25