Chapter 7 Background Debug Module (S12XBDMV2)
MC9S12XE-Family Reference Manual Rev. 1.21
Freescale Semiconductor
Because of an order from the United States International Trade Commission, BGA-packaged product lines and partnumbers
indicated here currently are not available from Freescale for import or sale in the United States prior to September 2010
Clock Switch — The CLKSW bit controls which clock the BDM operates with. It is only writable from a hardware
BDM command. A minimum delay of 150 cycles at the clock speed that is active during the data portion of the
command send to change the clock source should occur before the next command can be send. The delay
should be obtained no matter which bit is modied to effectively change the clock source (either PLLSEL bit or
CLKSW bit). This guarantees that the start of the next BDM command uses the new clock for timing subsequent
BDM communications.
Table 7-4 shows the resulting BDM clock source based on the CLKSW and the PLLSEL (PLL select in the CRG
module, the bit is part of the CLKSEL register) bits.
Note: The BDM alternate clock source can only be selected when CLKSW = 0 and PLLSEL = 1. The BDM serial
interface is now fully synchronized to the alternate clock source, when enabled. This eliminates frequency
restriction on the alternate clock which was required on previous versions. Refer to the device
specication to determine which clock connects to the alternate clock source input.
Note: If the acknowledge function is turned on, changing the CLKSW bit will cause the ACK to be at the new
rate for the write command which changes it.
Note: In emulation modes (if modes available), the CLKSW bit will be set out of RESET.
Unsecure — If the device is secured this bit is only writable in special single chip mode from the BDM secure
rmware. It is in a zero state as secure mode is entered so that the secure BDM rmware lookup table is enabled
and put into the memory map overlapping the standard BDM rmware lookup table.
The secure BDM rmware lookup table veries that the non-volatile memories (e.g. on-chip EEPROM and/or
Flash EEPROM) are erased. This being the case, the UNSEC bit is set and the BDM program jumps to the start
of the standard BDM rmware lookup table and the secure BDM rmware lookup table is turned off. If the erase
test fails, the UNSEC bit will not be asserted.
0 System is in a secured mode.
1 System is in a unsecured mode.
Note: When UNSEC is set, security is off and the user can change the state of the secure bits in the on-chip
Flash EEPROM. Note that if the user does not change the state of the bits to “unsecured” mode, the
system will be secured again when it is next taken out of reset.After reset this bit has no meaning or effect
when the security byte in the Flash EEPROM is congured for unsecure mode.
Table 7-4. BDM Clock Sources
Bus clock dependent on oscillator
Bus clock dependent on oscillator
Alternate clock (refer to the device specication to determine the alternate clock source)
Bus clock dependent on the PLL
Table 7-3. BDMSTS Field Descriptions (continued)