Computer Operating Properly (COP)
MC68HC908QL4 MC68HC908QL3 MC68HC908QL2 Data Sheet, Rev. 4
Freescale Semiconductor
The COP counter is a free-running 6-bit counter preceded by the 12-bit system integration module (SIM)
counter. If not cleared by software, the COP counter overflows and generates an asynchronous reset after
– 2
or 2
– 2
BUSCLKX4 cycles; depending on the state of the COP rate select bit, COPRS, in
configuration register 1. With a 2
– 2
BUSCLKX4 cycle overflow option, the internal 12.8-MHz oscillator
gives a COP timeout period of 20.48 ms. Writing any value to location $FFFF before an overflow occurs
prevents a COP reset by clearing the COP counter and stages 12–5 of the SIM counter.
Service the COP immediately after reset and before entering or after exiting
stop mode to guarantee the maximum time before the first COP counter
A COP reset pulls the RST pin low (if the RSTEN bit is set in the CONFIG1 register) for 32
cycles and sets the COP bit in the reset status register (RSR). See
13.8.1 SIM Reset Status Register
Place COP clearing instructions in the main program and not in an interrupt
subroutine. Such an interrupt subroutine could keep the COP from
generating a reset even while the main program is not working properly.
6.3 I/O Signals
The following paragraphs describe the signals shown in
Figure 6-1
6.3.1 BUSCLKX4
BUSCLKX4 is the oscillator output signal. BUSCLKX4 frequency is equal to the crystal frequency or the
RC-oscillator frequency.
6.3.2 STOP Instruction
The STOP instruction clears the SIM counter.
6.3.3 COPCTL Write
Writing any value to the COP control register (COPCTL) (see
Figure 6-2
) clears the COP counter and
clears stages 12–5 of the SIM counter. Reading the COP control register returns the low byte of the reset
6.3.4 Power-On Reset
The power-on reset (POR) circuit in the SIM clears the SIM counter 4096
BUSCLKX4 cycles after power
6.3.5 Internal Reset
An internal reset clears the SIM counter and the COP counter.
6.3.6 COPD (COP Disable)
The COPD signal reflects the state of the COP disable bit (COPD) in the configuration register (CONFIG).
Chapter 5 Configuration Register (CONFIG)