C.3 M68HC11EVM — Evaluation Module
Refer to M68HC11EVM Evaluation Module User’s Manual(M68HC11EVM/AD7). The
EVM is a tool for designing, debugging, and evaluation of M68HC11 MCU-based tar-
get system equipment. By providing MCU timing and l/O circuitry, the EVM simplifies
user evaluation of the prototype hardware/software product. The EVM requires a user-
supplied power supply and an RS-232C compatible terminal for operation. The EVM
evaluates both single-chip and expanded-multiplexed modes of operation. Generat-
ing, executing, and debugging target system MCU code is accomplished in either
C.3.1 EVM Features
Low cost means of evaluating target systems with M68HC11 A- and E-series de-
Monitor/debugger firmware
One-line assembler/disassembler
Host computer download capability
Dual 64 Kbyte memory maps:
— 16 Kbyte monitor EPROM
— 8 Kbyte/16 Kbyte user pseudo-ROM
EEPROM MCU programmer
MCU (single-chip/expanded-multiplexed mode) extension l/O ports
RS-232C terminal and host computer l/O ports
C.4 MMDS11 — Modular Development System
The M68MMDS11 Motorola Modular Development System (MMDS11) is an emulator
system for developing embedded systems based on an M68HC11 microcontroller unit
(MCU). The MMDS11 provides a bus state analyzer and real-time memory windows.
The unit's integrated development environment includes an editor, an assembler, user
interface, and source-level debugging capability. These features significantly reduce
the time necessary to develop and debug an embedded control system. The unit's
compact size requires a minimum of bench space. The MMDS11 is one component of
Motorola's modular approach to MCU-based product development. This modular ap-
proach allows easy configuration of the MMDS11 to fit a wide range of requirements.
It also reduces development system cost by allowing the user to purchase only the
modular components necessary to support the particular MCU device family.
The station module is a metal enclosure that contains a printed circuit board (the con-
trol board), a test emulator module (TEM), and an internal power supply. A power ca-
ble, an RS-232 serial cable, two logic clip cables (with clips), and a 9- to 25-pin RS-
232 adapter come with the MMDS11. The system requires an IBM-PC (or compatible)
host computer. Connection to a target system is via a separately purchased M68HC11
emulator module (EM) and target cable. The EM completes MMDS11 functionality for
a particular MCU derivative or MCU family. The many EMs available let the system
emulate a variety of different M68HC11 MCUs. Connection to a target system is made
with a separately purchased cable (with the appropriate connector) which connects
the EM to the target system. MMDS11 features include: