Chapter 14 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPIV3) Block Description
Freescale Semiconductor
Rev 1.10
In master mode, with slave select output enabled the SS line is always deasserted and reasserted between
successive transfers for at least minimum idle time.
CPHA = 1 Transfer Format
Some peripherals require the rst SCK edge before the rst data bit becomes available at the data out pin,
the second edge clocks data into the system. In this format, the rst SCK edge is issued by setting the
CPHA bit at the beginning of the 8-cycle transfer operation.
The rst edge of SCK occurs immediately after the half SCK clock cycle synchronization delay. This rst
edge commands the slave to transfer its rst data bit to the serial data input pin of the master.
A half SCK cycle later, the second edge appears on the SCK pin. This is the latching edge for both the
master and slave.
When the third edge occurs, the value previously latched from the serial data input pin is shifted into the
LSB or MSB of the SPI shift register, depending on LSBFE bit. After this edge, the next bit of the master
data is coupled out of the serial data output pin of the master to the serial input pin on the slave.
This process continues for a total of 16 edges on the SCK line with data being latched on even numbered
edges and shifting taking place on odd numbered edges.
Data reception is double buffered, data is serially shifted into the SPI shift register during the transfer and
is transferred to the parallel SPI Data Register after the last bit is shifted in.
After the 16th SCK edge:
Data that was previously in the SPI Data Register of the master is now in the data register of the
slave, and data that was in the data register of the slave is in the master.
The SPIF ag bit in SPISR is set indicating that the transfer is complete.
Figure 14-10 shows two clocking variations for CPHA = 1. The diagram may be interpreted as a master or
slave timing diagram because the SCK, MISO, and MOSI pins are connected directly between the master
and the slave. The MISO signal is the output from the slave, and the MOSI signal is the output from the
master. The SS line is the slave select input to the slave. The SS pin of the master must be either high or
recongured as a general-purpose output not affecting the SPI.
The SS line can remain active low between successive transfers (can be tied low at all times). This format
is sometimes preferred in systems having a single xed master and a single slave that drive the MISO data
Back-to-back transfers in master mode
In master mode, if a transmission has completed and a new data byte is available in the SPI Data Register,
this byte is send out immediately without a trailing and minimum idle time.
The SPI interrupt request ag (SPIF) is common to both the master and slave modes. SPIF gets set one
half SCK cycle after the last SCK edge.