SB1, SB2 Pins
The SB pins are switch–to–battery sensing inputs only.
Transient battery/supply voltages greater than 40 volts must
be clamped by external device. Surface mount 0805 MOVs
and transient voltage suppressors (TVS) are available in
SOT–23 packages. The sensed input is compared with an
internal 4.0 volts reference. Voltages greater than 4.0 volts are
interpreted as a CLOSED switch. Sensed voltages less than
4.0 V are interpreted as an OPEN switch. Programming can
set wetting currents or Tri–State the input. Programming
methods are provided in the following section.
SG1 – SG6 Pins
The SG pins are switch–to–ground inputs only. The input is
compared with the internal 4.0 volt reference. Voltages greater
than 4.0 volts are interpreted as an OPEN switch. Voltages
less than 4.0 V are interpreted as a CLOSED switch.
Programming can set the wetting currents or Tri–State the
input. Programming methods are provided in the following
On initial power up, all MC33884 registers will be cleared
and the device will enter the Sleep mode. To exit Sleep mode
a valid command word is required to be received from the
Sleep Command
Sleep mode can be entered by a SPI Sleep command or
asserting the RSTB pin. In Sleep mode all inputs are Tri–State
and all internal active pull up and pull down currents are
disabled. Sleep mode reduces the current drain to a quiescent
current level of 10
A and disables the IC. Sleep mode
provides lowest quiescent current for the IC. Exit from sleep
mode requires a valid SPI RUN, TRI–STATE, or METALLIC
RUN Command
Run command places the IC in one of three operating
modes; Normal, Polling, and Polling + INT Timer. The
command also programs the SP1 to SP4 sense inputs
(switch–to–battery [1] or switch–to–ground [0]). See Table 1.
Normal mode
is the normal operating mode of the
MC33884. In Normal Mode the status of the input
switches are latched on falling edge of CSB and data is
sent back to MCU via SPI. All programmed
combinations of source and sink currents, used for
sensing purposes, are always active in this mode. In
normal mode an interrupt is generated and sent to the
microprocessor whenever an external switch changes
its OPEN or CLOSED state. Prior to a switch closing,
the MC33884 sources 0.75 mA of sustain current.
When the voltage at the input crosses the comparator
threshold, 14 mA of current is allowed to flow. The 14
mA wetting current shuts off after a 20 ms timer
Polling mode
reads a switch status periodically and
interrupts the microprocessor only when an external
switch is sensed as being CLOSED. If the MC33884
senses all external switches to be OPEN, the Polling
mode of operation continues. If a switch is sensed
CLOSED, an interrupt is sent to the microprocessor
and the MC33884 transfers it’s operational mode to the
Normal mode. The Polling mode provides a reduction
in quiescent current by turning OFF all source and sink
currents during sensed switch OFF periods. The
Polling mode allows the user to reduce quiescent
current by disabling sink and source currents during
swtich ”O(jiān)FF” periods.
Polling + INT Timer mode
of operation is similar to the
Polling mode above, with the addition of an interrupt
being sent to the microprocessor if a switch is sensed
CLOSED or upon the internal interrupt timer ”timing
out”. An interrupt is always ultimately sent to the
microprocessor in this mode. The microprocessor can
be programmed to read (or ignore) the MC33884’s
reported switch status upon receiving the interrupt. If a
switch is sensed CLOSED, operation reverts
automatically to the Normal mode. If all switches are
sensed OPEN, and the wake–up timer (INT Timer)
times out, the MC33884 continues to operate in the
Polling + INT Timer mode. The wake–up timer duration
may be set much longer than the Polling time.
TRI–STATE command places all switch inputs into
Tri–State. All comparators on inputs are disabled in this mode.
The device will return [0] for the switch status.
The MC33884 uses the SPI in full duplex synchronous slave
mode for communication with the microprocessor. The
MC33884 is programmed via a 16 bit word command from the
MCU. The word is sent to the device with the MSB first. The
command word sent to the MC33884 sets the mode of
operation in the device. Data received back from the
MC33884 is the status of the sensed input switch on falling
edge of CSB. Sixteen clock periods are required for each
transmission to be valid. After the 16 clocks, CSB is returned
to the inactive state (logic [1]), command words are no longer
accepted into SI, and the SO pin is Tri–Stated. The response
to a SPI command returns status based on previous command
word. This previous command could be a hardware reset as
well as any of the other commands discussed in this section.