The desired sideband power level should be approxi-
mately -23.5dBm (-20.5dBm output power including
3dB pad loss). Phase and amplitude differences at the
I and Q inputs result in degradation of the sideband
suppression. Note that the spectrum analyzer’s uncali-
brated absolute magnitude accuracy is typically no
better than ±1dB.
Detailed Description
The MAX2022 is designed for upconverting (downcon-
verting) to (from) a 1500MHz to 2500MHz RF from (to)
baseband. Applications include single- and multicarrier
1800MHz to 2200MHz UMTS/WCDMA, cdma2000,
DCS/PCS, and WiMAX base stations. Direct upconver-
sion (downconversion) architectures are advantageous
since they significantly reduce transmitter (receiver)
cost, part count, and power consumption compared to
traditional heterodyne conversion systems.
The MAX2022 integrates internal baluns, an LO buffer,
a phase splitter, two LO driver amplifiers, two matched
double-balanced passive mixers, and a wideband
quadrature combiner. Precision matching between the
in-phase and quadrature channels, and highly linear
mixers achieve excellent dynamic range, ACLR, 1dB
compression point, along with LO and sideband sup-
pression, making it ideal for 4-carrier W-CDMA/UMTS
The MAX2022 EV kit circuit allows for thorough analysis
and a simple design-in.
Supply-Decoupling Capacitors
The MAX2022 has several RF processing stages that
use the various V
pins. While they have on-chip
decoupling, off-chip interaction between them may
degrade gain, linearity, carrier suppression, and output
power. Proper voltage-supply bypassing is essential for
high-frequency circuit stability.
C1, C6, C7, C10, and C13 are 22pF supply-decoupling
capacitors used to filter high-frequency noise. C2, C5,
C8, C11, and C12 are larger 0.1μF capacitors used for
filtering lower-frequency noise on the supply.
DC-Blocking Capacitors
The MAX2022 has internal baluns at the RF output and
LO input. These inputs have almost 0
resistance at
DC, and so DC-blocking capacitors C3 and C9 are
used to prevent any external bias from being shunted
directly to ground.
LO Bias
The bias current for the integrated LO buffer is set with
resistor R1 (432
±1%). Resistors R2 (562
±1%) and
R3 (301
±1%) set the bias currents for the LO driver
amplifiers. Increasing the value of R1, R2, and R3
reduces the current, but the device will operate at
reduced performance levels. Doubling the values of R1,
R2, and R3 reduces the total current to approximately
166mA, but the OIP3 degrades by approximately 4.5dB.
IF Bias
When desired, a common-mode voltage can be inject-
ed onto the BB input lines through TP3 on the EV kit. To
enable this feature, the proper value of resistors R5, R6,
R9, R10, and R12–R15 need to be installed. Resistors
R15/R14 and R13/R12 form voltage-dividers, while R5,
R6, R9, and R10 are large-value bias injection resistors.
See Figure 3 for EV kit schematic details.
External Diplexer
LO leakage at the RF port can be nulled to a level less
than -80dBm by introducing DC offsets at the I and Q
ports. However, this null at the RF port can be compro-
mised by an improperly terminated I/Q IF interface.
Care must be taken to match the I/Q ports to the driving
DAC circuitry. Without matching, the LO’s second-order
) term may leak back into the modulator’s I/Q input
port where it can mix with the internal LO signal to pro-
duce additional LO leakage at the RF output. This leak-
age effectively counteracts against the LO nulling. In
addition, the LO signal reflected at the I/Q IF port pro-
duces a residual DC term that can disturb the nulling
As shown in Figure 1, providing an RC termination on
each of the I+, I-, Q+, Q- ports reduces the amount of
LO leakage present at the RF port under varying temp-
erature, LO frequency, and baseband drive conditions.
Note that the resistor value is chosen to be 100
with a
corner frequency 1 / (2
RC) selected to adequately filter
the f
and 2f
leakage, yet not affecting the flatness
of the baseband response at the highest baseband
frequency. The common-mode f
and 2f
signals at
I+/I- and Q+/Q- effectively see the RC networks and
thus become terminated in 50
(R/2). The RC network
provides a path for absorbing the 2f
and f
while the inductor provides high impedance at f
to help the diplexing process.
MAX2022 Evaluation Kit