Oct 15, 2003
page 34 of 89
3851 Group (Built-in 24 KB or more ROM)
Fig. 33 Interrupt request signal generating timing
Fig. 32 Structure of I2C status register
Bit 6: Communication mode specification bit (transfer direc-
tion specification bit: TRX)
This bit decides a direction of transfer for data communication.
When this bit is “0”, the reception mode is selected and the data of
a transmitting device is received. When the bit is “1”, the transmis-
sion mode is selected and address data and control data are
output onto the SDA in synchronization with the clock generated
on the SCL.
This bit is set/reset by software and hardware. About set/reset by
hardware is described below. This bit is set to “1” by hardware
when all the following conditions are satisfied:
When ALS is “0”
In the slave reception mode or the slave transmission mode
When the R/W bit reception is “1”
This bit is set to “0” in one of the following conditions:
When arbitration lost is detected.
When a STOP condition is detected.
When writing “1” to this bit by software is invalid by the START
condition duplication preventing function (Note).
With MST = “0” and when a START condition is detected.
With MST = “0” and when ACK non-return is detected.
At reset
Bit 7: Communication mode specification bit (master/slave
specification bit: MST)
This bit is used for master/slave specification for data communica-
tion. When this bit is “0”, the slave is specified, so that a START
condition and a STOP condition generated by the master are re-
ceived, and data communication is performed in synchronization
with the clock generated by the master. When this bit is “1”, the
master is specified and a START condition and a STOP condition
are generated. Additionally, the clocks required for data communi-
cation are generated on the SCL.
This bit is set to “0” in one of the following conditions.
Immediately after completion of 1-byte data transfer when arbi-
tration lost is detected
When a STOP condition is detected.
Writing “1” to this bit by software is invalid by the START condi-
tion duplication preventing function (Note).
At reset
Note: START condition duplication preventing function
The MST, TRX, and BB bits is set to “1” at the same time after con-
firming that the BB flag is “0” in the procedure of a START condition
occurrence. However, when a START condition by another master
device occurs and the BB flag is set to “1” immediately after the con-
tents of the BB flag is confirmed, the START condition duplication
preventing function makes the writing to the MST and TRX bits in-
valid. The duplication preventing function becomes valid from the
rising of the BB flag to reception completion of slave address.
I2C status register
(S1 : address 002D16)
Last receive bit (Note)
0 : Last bit = “0”
1 : Last bit = “1”
General call detecting flag
0 :No general call detected
1 :General call detected
Slave address comparison flag
0 : Address disagreement
1 : Address agreement
Arbitration lost detecting flag
0 :Not detected
1 :Detected
SCL pin low hold bit
0 : SCL pin low hold
1 : SCL pin low release
Bus busy flag
0 : Bus free
1 : Bus busy
Communication mode
specification bits
00 :Slave receive mode
01 :Slave transmit mode
10 :Master receive mode
11 :Master transmit mode
Note: These bits and flags can be read out, but cannot
be written.
Write “0” to these bits at writing.