Oct 15, 2003
page 25 of 89
3851 Group (Built-in 24 KB or more ROM)
Notes on serial I/O1
1. When using the serial I/O1, clear the I2C-BUS interface enable
bit to “0” or the SDA/SCL interrupt pin selection bit to “0”.
2. When setting the transmit enable bit of serial I/O1 to “1”, the
serial I/O1 transmit interrupt request bit is automatically set to
“1”. When not requiring the interrupt occurrence synchronized
with the transmission enabled, take the following sequence.
(1) Set the serial I/O1 transmit interrupt enable bit to “0” (dis-
(2) Set the transmit enable bit to “1”.
(3) Set the serial I/O1 transmit interrupt request bit to “0” after 1
or more instructions have been executed.
(4) Set the serial I/O1 transmit interrupt enable bit to “1” (en-
Fig. 22 Structure of serial I/O1 control registers
Transmit buffer empty flag (TBE)
0: Buffer full
1: Buffer empty
Receive buffer full flag (RBF)
0: Buffer empty
1: Buffer full
Transmit shift completion flag (TSC)
0: Transmit shift in progress
1: Transmit shift completed
Overrun error flag (OE)
0: No error
1: Overrun error
Parity error flag (PE)
0: No error
1: Parity error
Framing error flag (FE)
0: No error
1: Framing error
Summing error flag (SE)
0: (OE) U (PE) U (FE)=0
1: (OE) U (PE) U (FE)=1
Not used (returns “1” when read)
Serial I/O1 status register
Serial I/O1 control register
BRG count source selection bit (CSS)
0: f(XIN)
1: f(XIN)/4
Serial I/O1 synchronous clock selection bit (SCS)
0: BRG output divided by 4 when clock synchronous
serial I/O1 is selected, BRG output divided by 16
when UART is selected.
1: External clock input when clock synchronous serial
I/O1 is selected, external clock input divided by 16
when UART is selected.
SRDY1 output enable bit (SRDY)
0: P27 pin operates as ordinary I/O pin
1: P27 pin operates as SRDY1 output pin
Transmit interrupt source selection bit (TIC)
0: Interrupt when transmit buffer has emptied
1: Interrupt when transmit shift operation is completed
Transmit enable bit (TE)
0: Transmit disabled
1: Transmit enabled
Receive enable bit (RE)
0: Receive disabled
1: Receive enabled
Serial I/O1 mode selection bit (SIOM)
0: Clock asynchronous (UART) serial I/O
1: Clock synchronous serial I/O
Serial I/O1 enable bit (SIOE)
0: Serial I/O1 disabled
(pins P24 to P27 operate as ordinary I/O pins)
1: Serial I/O1 enabled
(pins P24 to P27 operate as serial I/O1 pins)
UART control register
Character length selection bit (CHAS)
0: 8 bits
1: 7 bits
Parity enable bit (PARE)
0: Parity checking disabled
1: Parity checking enabled
Parity selection bit (PARS)
0: Even parity
1: Odd parity
Stop bit length selection bit (STPS)
0: 1 stop bit
1: 2 stop bits
P25/TXD P-channel output disable bit (POFF)
0: CMOS output (in output mode)
1: N-channel open drain output (in output mode)
Not used (return “1” when read)
(SIOSTS : address 001916)
(SIOCON : address 001A16)
(UARTCON : address 001B16)