6. Functional Description
S1R72V17*** Technical Manual (Rev.1.6)
This is the state where the USB host function is initialized, and is the default state that is
assumed when the USB host function is enabled.
The host must be moved to this state when VBUS_Err is detected in any other state.
To execute a transition, write 0x80 to the H_NegoControl_0 register
(H_NegoControl_0.AutoModeCancel = 1 and H_NegoControl_0.AutoMode = 0x0) to cause
operation of the state under execution to stop. The H_NegoControl_0.AutoModeCancel bit is
cleared to 0 by a completion of the stop processing (6 cycles required when operating with
60 MHz clock). After confirming that the H_NegoControl_0.AutoModeCancel bit has been
cleared to 0, write 0x01 to the same register (which sets the host state transition execution
(H_NegoControl_0.AutoMode) to GoIDLE). The LSI thereby enters this state.
In this state, the following settings are automatically executed:
Transaction execution function of the USB host put to immediate stop
Port set to FS mode and to NonDriving
VBUSEN turned off
All of the connection detection, disconnection detection, remote wakeup detection, and
device chirp detection functions turned off
This is the state where the host waits until a device is connected to the downstream port.
When a device disconnection is detected in the OPERATIONAL or RESET state due to a
request from a high-order system, the host must be temporarily placed in this state and await
connection by the other party.
The LSI shifts to this state when the host state transition execution
(H_NegoControl_0.AutoMode) is set to GoWAIT_CONNECT.
In this state, the following initial settings are automatically executed:
Transaction execution function of the USB host put to immediate stop
Port set to FS mode and to PowerDown
VBUSEN turned on
All of the connection detection, disconnection detection, remote wakeup detection, and
device chirp detection functions turned on
Next, after internal power supply stabilization time for the bus power device has elapsed, the
hardware automatically turns the connection detection function on, and waits until a device is
connected. Note that the duration of time from when VBUSEN turned on to when a device
connection is detected is not controlled by the hardware. This time should be managed by the
firmware as necessary If FS or HS device is connected, it can be referenced as line state “J.”