Nov 26, 2008
455A Group
Skip condition
Detailed description
Clears (0) to interrupt enable flag INTE, and disables the interrupt.
Sets (1) to interrupt enable flag INTE, and enables the interrupt.
V10 = 0 : (EXF0) = 1
When V10 = 0 : Clears (0) to the EXF0 flag and skips the next instruction when external 0 interrupt request
flag EXF0 is “1”. When the EXF0 flag is “0”, executes the next instruction.
When V10 = 1 : This instruction is equivalent to the NOP instruction. (V10: bit 0 of interrupt control register
(INT) =
However, I12 = 0
When I12 = 0 : Skips the next instruction when the level of INT pin is “L”. Executes the next instruction when
the level of INT0 pin is “H”.
(INT) =
However, I12 = 1
When I12 = 1 : Skips the next instruction when the level of INT pin is “H”. Executes the next instruction when
the level of INT0 pin is “L”. (I12: bit 2 of interrupt control register I1)
Transfers the contents of interrupt control register V1 to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to interrupt control register V1.
Transfers the contents of interrupt control register V2 to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to interrupt control register V2.
Transfers the contents of interrupt control register I1 to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to interrupt control register I1.
Transfers the contents of register A (A0) to timer control register PA.
Transfers the contents of timer control register W1 to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to timer control register W1.
Transfers the contents of timer control register W2 to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to timer control register W2.
Transfers the contents of timer control register W3 to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to timer control register W3.
Transfers the contents of timer control register W4 to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to timer control register W4.
Transfers the contents of timer control register W5 to register A.
Transfers the contents of register A to timer control register W5.