Nov 26, 2008
455A Group
(7) Return signal
An external wakeup signal or timer 3 interrupt request flag (T3F)
is used to return from the clock operating mode.
An external wakeup signal is used to return from the RAM back-
up mode because the oscillation is stopped.
Table 24 shows the return condition for each return source.
(8) Control registers
Key-on wakeup control register K0
Register K0 controls the ports P0 and P1 key-on wakeup
function. Set the contents of this register through register A
with the TK0A instruction. In addition, the TAK0 instruction
can be used to transfer the contents of register K0 to register A.
Key-on wakeup control register K1
Register K1 controls the port P2 key-on wakeup function. Set
the contents of this register through register A with the TK1A
instruction. In addition,the TAK1 instruction can be used to
transfer the contents of register K1 to register A.
Key-on wakeup control register K2
Register K2 controls the port P3 and INT pin key-on wakeup
function and the selection of return condition of INT pin. Set
the contents of this register through register A with the TK2A
instruction. In addition, the TAK2 instruction can be used to
transfer the contents of register K2 to register A.
Key-on wakeup control register K3
Register K3 controls the port D0 to D7 pin key-on wakeup
function. Set the contents of this register through register A
with the TK3A instruction. In addition, the TAK3 instruction
can be used to transfer the contents of register K3 to register A.
Pull-up control register PU0
Register PU0 controls the ON/OFF of the port P0 and P1 pull-
up transistor. Set the contents of this register through register
A with the TPU0A instruction. In addition, the TAPU0
instruction can be used to transfer the contents of register PU0
to register A.
Pull-up control register PU1
Register PU1 controls the ON/OFF of the port P2 pull-up
transistor. Set the contents of this register through register A
with the TPU1A instruction. In addition, the TAPU1
instruction can be used to transfer the contents of register PU1
to register A.
Pull-up control register PU2
Register PU2 controls the ON/OFF of the ports P3 pull-up
transistor. Set the contents of this register through register A
with the TPU2A instruction. In addition, the TAPU2
instruction can be used to transfer the contents of register PU2
to register A.
Pull-up control register PU3
Register PU3 controls the ON/OFF of the ports D0 to D7 pull-
up transistor. Set the contents of this register through register
A with the TPU3A instruction. In addition, the TAPU3
instruction can be used to transfer the contents of register PU3
to register A.
External interrupt control register I1
Register I1 controls the input control and the selection of valid
waveform/level of INT pin. Set the contents of this register
through register A with the TI1A instruction. In addition, the
TAI1 instruction can be used to transfer the contents of register
I1 to register A.
Table 24 Return source and return condition
Return source
Return condition
Ports P00
Ports P10
Ports P20
Ports P30
Ports D0
Return by an external falling edge (“H”
→ “L”).
For ports P0, P1, P3 and D0 to D7 the key-on
wakeup function can be selected by two port unit,
for port P2, it can be selected by a unit.
INT pin
Return by an external “H” level or “L” level
input, or rising edge (“L”
→ “H”) or falling edge
→ “L”).
When the return level is input, the interrupt
request flag (EXF0) is not set.
Select the return level (“L” level or “H” level) with
register I1 and return condition (return by level or
edge) with register K2 according to the external
state before going into the power down state.
Timer 3 interrupt request flag
Return by timer 3 underflow or by setting T3F
to “1”.
It can be used in the clock operating mode.
Clear T3F with the SNZT3 instruction before
system enters into the power down state.
When system enters into the power down state
while T3F is “1”, system returns from the state
immediately because it is recognized as return