Liteon Semiconductor Corporation
Standalone Linear Li-ion Battery Charger with Thermal Regulation
Moreover, when thermal feedback reduces the charge current, the voltage at the PROG pin is also reduced
proportionally as discussed in the Operation section. It is important to remember that LSP4054 applications do not
need to be designed for worst-case thermal conditions since the IC will automatically reduce power dissipation when
the junction temperature reaches approximately 120°C.
Increasing Thermal Regulation Current
Reducing the voltage drop across the internal MOSFET can significantly decrease the power dissipation in the IC.
This has the effect of increasing the current delivered to the battery during thermal regulation. One method is by
dissipating some of the power through an external component, such as a resistor or diode.
Example: An LSP4054 operating from a 5V wall adapter is programmed to supply 800mA full-scale current to a
discharged Li-Ion battery with a voltage of 3.75V. Assuming θJA is 125°C/W, the approximate charge current at an
ambient temperature of 25°C is:
By dropping voltage across a resistor in series with a 5V wall adapter (shown in Figure 3), the on-chip power
dissipation can be decreased, thus increasing the thermally regulated charge current
Figure 3: A circuit to maximize thermal mode charge current
Solving for IBAT using the quadratic formula.
Using RCC = 0.25W, VS = 5V, VBAT = 3.75V, TA = 25°C and θJA = 125°C/W we can calculate the thermally
regulated charge current to be:
IBAT = 708.4mA
While this application delivers more energy to the battery and reduces charge time in thermal mode, it may actually
lengthen charge time in voltage mode if VCC becomes low enough to put the LSP4054 into dropout. Figure 4 shows
how this circuit can result in dropout as RCC becomes large.
This technique works best when RCC values are minimized to keep component size small and avoid dropout.
Remember to choose a resistor with adequate power handling capability.