The command set of the MultiMediaCard system is divided into classes corresponding to the type of card
(see also [1]). These Hitachi MultiMediaCards support the following command classes:
Command Classes
(Class 0 to Class 2 and Class 4)
Supported commands
Card command
class (CCC)
Class description
10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18
Class 0
Class 1
stream read
Class 2
block read
Class 4
block write
Command Classes
(Class 2 to Class 7)
Supported commands
Card command
class (CCC)
Class description
20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 42
Class 2
block read
Class 3
stream write
Class 4
block write
Class 5
Class 6
write protection
Class 7
ock card
Class 0 is mandatory and supported by all cards. It represents the card identification and initialization
commands, which are intended to handle different cards and card types on the same bus lines. The Card
Command Class (CCC) is coded in the card specific data register of each card, so that the host knows how
to access the card. There are four kinds of commands defined on the MultiMediaCard bus:
broadcast commands (bc) sent on CMD line, no response
broadcast commands with response (bcr) sent on CMD line, response (all cards simultaneously) on
CMD line
addressed (point-to-point) commands (ac) sent on CMD line, response on CMD line
addressed (point-to-point) data transfer commands (adtc) sent on CMD line, response on CMD line,
data transfer on DAT line