Altera Corporation
MAX 7000A Programmable Logic Device Data Sheet
Notes to tables:
Minimum DC input voltage is –0.5 V. During transitions, the inputs may undershoot to –2.0 V for input currents
less than 100 mA and periods shorter than 20 ns.
For EPM7128A and EPM7256A devices only, VCC must rise monotonically.
In MAX 7000AE devices, all pins, including dedicated inputs, I/O pins, and JTAG pins, may be driven before
VCCINT and VCCIO are powered.
These values are specified under the recommended operating conditions shown in
Table 11 on page 24.
The parameter is measured with 50% of the outputs each sourcing the specified current. The IOH parameter refers
to high-level TTL or CMOS output current.
The parameter is measured with 50% of the outputs each sinking the specified current. The IOL parameter refers to
low-level TTL or CMOS output current.
This value is specified for normal device operation. The value may vary during power-up.
For EPM7128A and EPM7256A devices, this pull-up exists while a device is programmed in-system.
(10) For MAX 7000AE devices, this pull-up exists while devices are programmed in-system and in unprogrammed
devices during power-up.
(11) Capacitance is measured at 25
°C and is sample-tested only. The OE1 pin (high-voltage pin during programming)
has a maximum capacitance of 20 pF.
(12) The POR time for MAX 7000A devices does not exceed 100 ms.