DS1500 Y2K Watchdog RTC with Nonvolatile Control
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Control B Register (0Fh)
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
TE, Transfer Enable Bit (0Fh Bit 7)
When the TE bit is 1, the update transfer functions normally by advancing the counts once per second. When the
TE bit is written to 0, any update transfer is inhibited and the program can initialize the time and calendar bytes
without an update occurring in the midst of initializing. Read cycles can be executed in a similar manner. TE is a
read/write bit that is not modified by internal functions of the DS1500.
CS, Crystal Select Bit (0Fh Bit 6)
When CS is set to 0, the oscillator is configured for operation with a crystal that has a 6pF specified load
capacitance. When CS = 1, the oscillator is configured for a 12.5pF crystal.
BME, Burst-Mode Enable Bit (0Fh Bit 5)
The burst-mode enable bit allows the extended user RAM address registers to automatically increment for
consecutive reads and writes. When BME is set to 1, the automatic incrementing is enabled; when BME is set to 0,
the automatic incrementing is disabled.
TPE, Time-of-Day/Date Alarm Power-Enable Bit (0Fh Bit 4)
The wakeup feature is controlled through the TPE bit. When the TDF flag bit is set to 1, if TPE is 1, the PWR pin is
driven active. Therefore, setting TPE to 1 enables the wakeup feature. Writing a 0 to TPE disables the wakeup
TIE, Time-of-Day/Date Alarm Interrupt-Enable Bit (0Fh Bit 3)
The TIE bit allows the TDF flag to assert an interrupt. When the TDF flag bit is set to 1, if TIE is 1, the IRQF flag bit
is set to 1. Writing a 0 to the TIE bit prevents the TDF flag from setting the IRQF flag.
KIE, Kickstart Enable-Interrupt Bit (0Fh Bit 2)
When VCCI voltage is absent and KIE is set to 1, the PWR pin is driven active low when a kickstart condition occurs
(KS pulsed low), causing the KSF bit to be set to 1. When VCCI is then applied, the IRQ pin is also driven low. If KIE
is set to 1 while system power is applied, both IRQ and PWR are driven low in response to KSF being set to 1.
When KIE is cleared to a 0, the KSF bit has no effect on the PWR or IRQ pins.
WDE, Watchdog Enable Bit (0Fh Bit 1)
When WDE is set to 1, the watchdog function is enabled, and either the IRQ or RST pin is pulled active based on
the state of the WDS and WDF bits. This bit is automatically cleared to logic 0 to by the internal power-on reset
when power is applied and VCC rises above the power-fail voltage.
WDS, Watchdog Steering Bit (0Fh Bit 0)
If WDS is 0 when the watchdog flag bit WDF is set to 1, the IRQ pin is pulled low. If WDS is 1 when WDF is set to
1, the watchdog outputs a negative pulse on the RST output. The WDE bit resets to 0 immediately after RST goes
active. This bit is automatically cleared to logic 0 to by the internal power-on reset when power is applied and VCC
rises above the power-fail voltage.
The clock oscillator can be stopped at any time. To increase the shelf life of a backup lithium-battery source, the
oscillator can be turned off to minimize current drain from the battery. The EOSC bit is used to control the state of
the oscillator, and must be set to 0 for the oscillator to function.
The watchdog timer can be used to restart an out-of-control processor. The watchdog timer is user programmable
in 10ms intervals ranging from 0.01 seconds to 99.99 seconds. The user programs the watchdog timer by writing
the timeout value into the two BCD watchdog registers (address 0Ch and 0Dh). The watchdog reloads and restarts
whenever the watchdog times out. If either watchdog register is nonzero, a timeout sets the WDF bit to 1,