DS70119E-page 92
2006 Microchip Technology Inc.
15.11 PWM Output and Polarity Control
There are three device Configuration bits associated
with the PWM module that provide PWM output pin
HPOL Configuration bit
LPOL Configuration bit
PWMPIN Configuration bit
These three bits in the FPORBOR configuration regis-
ter (see Section 21) work in conjunction with the four
PWM Enable bits (PWMEN<4:1>) located in the
PWMCON1 SFR. The Configuration bits and PWM
Enable bits ensure that the PWM pins are in the correct
states after a device Reset occurs. The PWMPIN con-
figuration fuse allows the PWM module outputs to be
optionally enabled on a device Reset. If PWMPIN = 0,
the PWM outputs will be driven to their inactive states
at Reset. If PWMPIN = 1 (default), the PWM outputs
will be tri-stated. The HPOL bit specifies the polarity for
the PWMxH outputs, whereas the LPOL bit specifies
the polarity for the PWMxL outputs.
The PEN<4:1>H and PEN<4:1>L control bits in the
PWMCON1 SFR enable each high PWM output pin
and each low PWM output pin, respectively. If a partic-
ular PWM output pin not enabled, it is treated as a
general purpose I/O pin.
15.12 PWM Fault Pins
There are two Fault pins (FLTA and FLTB) associated
with the PWM module. When asserted, these pins can
optionally drive each of the PWM I/O pins to a defined
The FLTACON and FLTBCON SFRs each have 4 con-
trol bits that determine whether a particular pair of
PWM I/O pins is to be controlled by the Fault input pin.
To enable a specific PWM I/O pin pair for Fault over-
rides, the corresponding bit should be set in the FLTA-
CON or FLTBCON register.
If all enable bits are cleared in the FLTACON or
FLTBCON registers, then the corresponding Fault input
pin has no effect on the PWM module and the pin may
be used as a general purpose interrupt or I/O pin.
The FLTACON and FLTBCON special function regis-
ters have 8 bits each that determine the state of each
PWM I/O pin when it is overridden by a Fault input.
When these bits are cleared, the PWM I/O pin is driven
to the inactive state. If the bit is set, the PWM I/O pin
will be driven to the active state. The active and inactive
states are referenced to the polarity defined for each
PWM I/O pin (HPOL and LPOL polarity control bits).
A special case exists when a PWM module I/O pair is
in the Complementary mode and both pins are pro-
grammed to be active on a Fault condition. The
PWMxH pin always has priority in the Complementary
mode, so that both I/O pins cannot be driven active
If both Fault input pins have been assigned to control a
particular PWM I/O pin, the Fault state programmed for
the Fault A input pin will take priority over the Fault B
input pin.
Each of the Fault input pins has two modes of
Latched Mode: When the Fault pin is driven low,
the PWM outputs will go to the states defined in
the FLTACON/FLTBCON register. The PWM out-
puts will remain in this state until the Fault pin is
driven high and the corresponding interrupt flag
has been cleared in software. When both of these
actions have occurred, the PWM outputs will
return to normal operation at the beginning of the
next PWM cycle or half-cycle boundary. If the
interrupt flag is cleared before the Fault condition
ends, the PWM module will wait until the Fault pin
is no longer asserted, to restore the outputs.
Cycle-by-Cycle Mode: When the Fault input pin
is driven low, the PWM outputs remain in the
defined Fault states for as long as the Fault pin is
held low. After the Fault pin is driven high, the
PWM outputs return to normal operation at the
beginning of the following PWM cycle or
half-cycle boundary.
The operating mode for each Fault input pin is selected
using the FLTAM and FLTBM control bits in the
FLTACON and FLTBCON Special Function Registers.
Each of the Fault pins can be controlled manually in
The Fault pin logic can operate indepen-
dent of the PWM logic. If all the enable bits
in the FLTACON/FLTBCON register are
cleared, then the Fault pin(s) could be
used as general purpose interrupt pin(s).
Each Fault pin has an interrupt vector,
Interrupt Flag bit and Interrupt Priority bits
associated with it.