Rev. A
Page 11 of 80
July 2011
DMA operations with single-cycle overhead—Each SPORT
can automatically receive and transmit multiple buffers of
memory data. The processor can link or chain sequences of
DMA transfers between a SPORT and memory.
Interrupts—Each transmit and receive port generates an
interrupt upon completing the transfer of a data word or
after transferring an entire data buffer, or buffers,
through DMA.
Multichannel capability—Each SPORT supports 128 chan-
nels out of a 1024-channel window and is compatible with
The ADSP-BF50x processors have two SPI-compatible ports
that enable the processor to communicate with multiple SPI-
compatible devices.
The SPI interface uses three pins for transferring data: two data
pins MOSI (Master Output-Slave Input) and MISO (Master
Input-Slave Output) and a clock pin, serial clock (SCK). An SPI
chip select input pin (SPIx_SS) lets other SPI devices select the
processor, and three SPI chip select output pins (SPIx_SEL3–1)
let the processor select other SPI devices. The SPI select pins are
reconfigured general-purpose I/O pins. Using these pins, the
SPI port provides a full-duplex, synchronous serial interface,
which supports both master/slave modes and multimaster
The SPI port’s baud rate and clock phase/polarities are
programmable, and it has an integrated DMA channel,
configurable to support transmit or receive data streams. The
SPI’s DMA channel can only service unidirectional accesses at
any given time.
The SPI port’s clock rate is calculated as:
Where the 16-bit SPI_BAUD register contains a value of 2
to 65,535.
During transfers, the SPI port simultaneously transmits and
receives by serially shifting data in and out on its two serial data
lines. The serial clock line synchronizes the shifting and sam-
pling of data on the two serial data lines.
The ADSP-BF50x Blackfin processors provide two full-duplex
universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) ports.
Each UART port provides a simplified UART interface to other
peripherals or hosts, enabling full-duplex, DMA-supported,
asynchronous transfers of serial data. A UART port includes
support for five to eight data bits; one or two stop bits; and
none, even, or odd parity. Each UART port supports two modes
of operation:
PIO (programmed I/O). The processor sends or receives
data by writing or reading I/O-mapped UART registers.
The data is double-buffered on both transmit and receive.
DMA (direct memory access). The DMA controller trans-
fers both transmit and receive data. This reduces the
number and frequency of interrupts required to transfer
data to and from memory. Each UART has two dedicated
DMA channels, one for transmit and one for receive. These
DMA channels have lower default priority than most DMA
channels because of their relatively low service rates. Flexi-
ble interrupt timing options are available on the transmit
Each UART port’s baud rate, serial data format, error code gen-
eration and status, and interrupts are programmable:
Supporting bit rates ranging from (fSCLK/1,048,576) to
(fSCLK) bits per second.
Supporting data formats from 7 to 12 bits per frame.
Both transmit and receive operations can be configured to
generate maskable interrupts to the processor.
The UART port’s clock rate is calculated as
Where the 16-bit UART divisor comes from the UARTx_DLH
register (most significant 8 bits) and UARTx_DLL register (least
significant eight bits), and the EDBO is a bit in the
UARTx_GCTL register.
In conjunction with the general-purpose timer functions, auto-
baud detection is supported.
The UARTs feature a pair of UAx_RTS (request to send) and
UAx_CTS (clear to send) signals for hardware flow purposes.
The transmitter hardware is automatically prevented from
sending further data when the UAx_CTS input is de-asserted.
The receiver can automatically de-assert its UAx_RTS output
when the enhanced receive FIFO exceeds a certain high-water
level. The capabilities of the UARTs are further extended with
support for the Infrared Data Association (IrDA) Serial Infra-
red Physical Layer Link Specification (SIR) protocol.
The processor provides a parallel peripheral interface (PPI) that
can connect directly to parallel A/D and D/A converters, video
encoders and decoders, and other general-purpose peripherals.
The PPI consists of a dedicated input clock pin, up to three
frame synchronization pins, and up to 16 data pins. The input
clock supports parallel data rates up to half the system clock rate
and the synchronization signals can be configured as either
inputs or outputs.
SPI Clock Rate
UART Clock Rate