CFR1<3>: External Power-Down Mode
Rev. 0 | Page 20 of 36
CFR1<3> = 0 (default). The external power-down mode
selected is the rapid recovery power-down mode. In this mode,
when the PWRDWNCTL input pin is high, the digital logic and
the DAC digital logic are powered down. The DAC bias cir-
cuitry, comparator, PLL, oscillator, and clock input circuitry are
not powered down.
CFR1<3> = 1. The external power-down mode selected is the
full power-down mode. In this mode, when the PWRDWNCTL
input pin is high, all functions are powered down. This includes
the DAC and PLL, which take a significant amount of time to
power up.
CFR1<2>: Linear Sweep No Dwell Bit
CFR1<2> = 0 (default). The linear sweep no dwell function is
CFR1<2> = 1. The linear sweep no dwell function is active. If
CFR1<21>, the linear sweep enable bit, is active and CFR1<2> is
active, the linear sweep no dwell function is activated. See the
Linear Sweep Mode section for details. If CFR1<21> is clear,
this bit is a Don’t Care.
CFR1<1>: SYNC_CLK Disable Bit
CFR1<1> = 0 (default). The SYNC_CLK pin is active.
CFR1<1> = 1. The SYNC_CLK pin assumes a static Logic 0
state to keep noise generated by the digital circuitry at a mini-
mum. However, the synchronization circuitry remains active
(internally) to maintain normal device timing.
CFR1<0>: Not Used, Leave at 0
Control Function Register No.2 (CFR2)
The CFR2 is used to control the various functions, features, and
modes of the AD9954, primarily related to the analog sections
of the chip.
CFR2<15:12>: Not Used
CFR2<11>: High Speed Sync Enable Bit
CFR2<11> = 0 (default). The high speed sync enhancement is
CFR2<11> = 1. The high speed sync enhancement is on. This
bit should be set when attempting to use the auto-
synchronization feature for SYNC_CLK inputs beyond 50 MHz,
(200 MSPS SYSCLK). See the Synchronizing Multiple AD9954s
section for details.
CFR2<10>: Hardware Manual Sync Enable Bit
CFR2<10> = 0 (default). The hardware manual sync function is
CFR2<10> = 1. The hardware manual sync function is enabled.
While this bit is set, a rising edge on the SYNC_IN pin will
cause the device to advance the SYNC_CLK rising edge by one
REFCLK cycle. Unlike the software manual sync enable bit, this
bit does not self-clear. Once the hardware manual sync mode is
enabled, it will stay enabled until this bit is cleared. See the
Synchronizing Multiple AD9954s section for details.
CFR2<9>: CRYSTAL OUT Enable Bit
CFR2<9> = 0 (default). The CRYSTAL OUT pin is inactive.
CFR2<9> = 1. The CRYSTAL OUT pin is active. When active,
the crystal oscillator circuitry output drives the CRYSTAL OUT
pin, which can be connected to other devices to produce a refer-
ence frequency. The oscillator will respond to crystals in the
range of 20 MHz to 30 MHz.
CFR2<8>: Not Used
CFR2<7:3>: Reference Clock Multiplier Control Bits
This 5-bit word controls the multiplier value out of the clock-
multiplier (PLL) block. Valid values are decimal 4 to 20 (0×04 to
0×14). Values entered outside this range will bypass the clock
multiplier. See the Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) section for details.
CFR2<2>: VCO Range Control Bit
This bit is used to control the range setting on the VCO.
When CFR2<2> == 0 (default), the VCO operates in a range of
100 MHz to 250 MHz. When CFR2<2> == 1, the VCO operates
in a range of 250 MHz to 400 MHz.
CFR2<1:0>: Charge Pump Current Control Bits
These bits are used to control the current setting on the charge
pump. The default setting, CFR2<1:0>, sets the charge pump
current to the default value of 75 μA. For each bit added (01, 10,
11) 25 μA of current is added to the charge pump current:
100 μA, 125 μA, and 150 μA.
Other Register Descriptions
Amplitude Scale Factor (ASF)
The ASF register stores the 2-bit auto ramp rate speed value and
the 14-bit amplitude scale factor used in the output shaped key-
ing (OSK) operation. In auto OSK operation, ASF <15:14> tells
the OSK block how many amplitude steps to take for each
increment or decrement. ASF<13:0> sets the maximum value
achievable by the OSK internal multiplier. In manual OSK
mode, ASF<15:14> has no effect. ASF <13:0> provide the output
scale factor directly. If the OSK enable bit is cleared, CFR1<25>
= 0, this register has no effect on device operation.