Data Sheet
Rev. B | Page 42 of 104
that are configurable for a variety of uses. To use these
functions, the user must enable them by writing a 0x01 to
Register 0x0200. The function of these pins is programmable via
the register map. Each pin can control or monitor an assortment
of internal functions based on the contents of Register 0x0201 to
Register 0x0208.
To monitor an internal function with a multifunction pin, write
a Logic 1 to the most significant bit of the register associated
with the desired multifunction pin. The value of the seven least
significant bits of the register defines the control function, as
To control an internal function with a multifunction pin, write a
Logic 0 to the most significant bit of the register associated with
the desired multifunction pin. The monitored function depends
on the value of the seven least significant bits of the register, as
If more than one multifunction pin operates on the same
control signal, then internal priority logic ensures that only one
multifunction pin serves as the signal source. The selected pin is
the one with the lowest numeric suffix. For example, if both M0
and M3 operate on the same control signal, then M0 is used as
the signal source and the redundant pins are ignored.
At power-up, the multifunction pins can be used to force the
device into certain configurations as defined in the initial pin
programming section. This functionality, however, is valid only
during power-up or following a reset, after which the pins can
be reconfigured via the serial programming port or via the
If the output SYNC function is to be controlled using an M pin,
1. First, enable the M pins by writing Register 0x0200 = 0x01.
2. Issue an I/O update (Register 0x0005 = 0x01).
3. Set the appropriate M pin function.
If this process is not followed, a SYNC pulse is issued automatically.
e AD9558 has a dedicated interrupt request (IRQ) pin.
Bits[1:0] of the IRQ pin output mode register (Register 0x0209)
control how the IRQ pin asserts an interrupt based on the value
of the two bits, as follows:
00—The IRQ pin is high impedance when deasserted and active
low when asserted and requires an external pull-up resistor.
01—The IRQ pin is high impedance when deasserted and active
high when asserted and requires an external pull-down
10—The IRQ pin is Logic 0 when deasserted and Logic 1 when
11—The IRQ pin is Logic 1 when deasserted and Logic 0 when
asserted. (This is the default operating mode.)
he AD9558 asserts the IRQ pin when any bit in the IRQ monitor
register (Address 0x0D02 to Address 0x0D07) is a Logic 1. Each
bit in this register is associated with an internal function that is
capable of producing an interrupt. Furthermore, each bit of the
IRQ monitor register is the result of a logical AND of the associated
internal interrupt signal and the corresponding bit in the IRQ
mask register (Address 0x020A to Address 0x020E). That is, the
bits in the IRQ mask register have a one-to-one correspondence
with the bits in the IRQ monitor register. When an internal
function produces an interrupt signal and the associated IRQ
mask bit is set, the corresponding bit in the IRQ monitor register
is set. The user should be aware that clearing a bit in the IRQ
mask register removes only the mask associated with the
internal interrupt signal. It does not clear the corresponding bit
in the IRQ monitor register.
Note that the IRQ function detects a state change in the function
that is being monitored. However, if IRQs are cleared (or if they
are enabled for the first time), they do not generate for a pre-
existing condition. The state must change after the IRQs are
enabled. For example, if REFA is already invalid before the REFA
invalid IRQ is enabled, the IRQ does not generate.
The IRQ pin is the result of a logical OR of all the IRQ monitor
register bits. Thus, t
he AD9558 asserts the IRQ pin as long as
any IRQ monitor register bit is a Logic 1. Note that it is possible
to have multiple bits set in the IRQ monitor register. Therefore,
when t
he AD9558 asserts the IRQ pin, it may indicate an interrupt
from several different internal functions. The IRQ monitor
register provides the user with a means to interrogate the
AD9558 to determine which internal function produced the
Typically, when the IRQ pin is asserted, the user interrogates
the IRQ monitor register to identify the source of the interrupt
request. After servicing an indicated interrupt, the user should
clear the associated IRQ monitor register bit via the IRQ
clearing register (Address 0x0A04 to Address 0x0A09). The bits
in the IRQ clearing register have a one-to-one correspondence with
the bits in the IRQ monitor register. Note that the IRQ clearing
register is autoclearing. The IRQ pin remains asserted until the
user clears all of the bits in the IRQ monitor register that
indicate an interrupt.
It is also possible to collectively clear all of the IRQ monitor
register bits by setting the clear all IRQs bit in the reset function
register (Register 0x0A03, Bit 1). Note that this is an autoclearing
bit. Setting this bit results in deassertion of the IRQ pin.
Alternatively, the user can program any of the multifunction
pins to clear all IRQs. This allows the user to clear all IRQs by
means of a hardware pin rather than by using a serial I/O port