AD7242/AD7244 to TMS320C25 Interface
Figure 9 shows a serial interface between the AD7242/AD7244
and the TMS320C25 DSP processor. In this interface, the
CLKX and FSX signals of the TMS320C25 are generated from
the clock/timer circuitry. The FSX pin of the TMS320C25
must be configured as an input. CLKX is used to provide both
the TCLKA and TCLKB inputs of the AD7242/AD7244. DX
of the TMS320C25 is also routed to the serial data line of each
input port of the AD7242/AD7244.
Data from the TMS32020 is valid on the falling edge of CLKX
after FSX goes low. This FSX signal is gated with the DACA/
control line to determine whether TFSA or TFSB goes
low when FSX goes low.
The clock/timer circuitry also generates the LDAC signal for the
AD7242/AD7244 to synchronize the update of the outputs with
the serial transmission. As in the previous interface diagrams, a
common LDAC input is shown driving the LDACA and
inputs of the AD7242/AD7244. Once again, these
inputs could be hardwired low, in which case VOUTA or
VOUTB will be updated on the sixteenth falling edge of CLKX
after the TFSA or TFSB input goes low.
Figure 9. AD7242/AD7244 to TMS320C25 Interface
AD7242/AD7244 to 87C51 Interface
A serial interface between the AD7242/AD7244 and the 87C51
microcontroller is shown in Figure 10. TXD of the 87C51
drives TCLKA and TCLKB of the AD7242/AD7244 while
RXD drives the two serial data lines of the part. The TFSA and
signals are derived from P3.2 and P3.3, respectively.
The 87C51 provides the LSB of its SBUF register as the first bit
in the serial data stream. Therefore, the user will have to ensure
that the data in the SBUF register is correctly arranged so the
don’t care bits are the first to be transmitted to the AD7242/
AD7244; the last bit to be sent is the LSB of the word to be
loaded to the AD7242/AD7244. When data is to be transmitted
to the part, P3.2 (for DACA) or P3.3 (for DACB) is taken low.
Data on RXD is valid on the falling edge of TXD. The 87C51
transmits its serial data in 8-bit bytes with only eight falling
clock edges occurring in the transmit cycle. To load data to the
AD7242/AD7244, P3.2 (for DACA) or P3.3 (for DACB) is left
low after the first eight bits are transferred and a second byte of
data is then serially transferred to the AD7242/AD7244. When
the second serial transfer is complete, the P3.2 line (for DACA)
or the P3.3 line (for DACB) is taken high.
Figure 10 shows both LDAC inputs of the AD7242/AD7244
hardwired low. As a result, the DAC latch and the analog
output of one of the DACs will be updated on the sixteenth
falling edge of TXD after the respective TFS signal for that
DAC has gone low. Alternatively, the scheme used in previous
interfaces, whereby the LDAC inputs are driven from a timer,
can be used.
Figure 10. AD7242/AD7244 to 87C51 Interface
AD7242/AD7244 to 68HC11 Interface
Figure 11 shows a serial interface between the AD7242/AD7244
and the 68HC11 microcontroller. SCK of the 68HC11 drives
TCLKA and TCLKB of the AD7242/AD7244 while the MOSI
output drives the two serial data lines of the AD7242/AD7244.
The TFSA and TFSB signals are derived from PC6 and PC7,
For correct operation of this interface, the 68HC11 should be
configured such that its CPOL bit is a 0 and its CPHA bit is a 1.
When data is to be transmitted to the part, PC6 (for DACA) or
PC7 (for DACB) is taken low. When the 68HC11 is configured
like this, data on MOSI is valid on the falling edge of SCK. The
68HCll transmits its serial data in 8-bit bytes with only eight
falling clock edges occurring in the transmit cycle. To load data
to the AD7242/AD7244, PC6 (for DACA) or PC7 (for DACB)
is left low after the first eight bits are transferred and a second
byte of data is then serially transferred to the AD7242/AD7244.
When the second serial transfer is complete, the PC6 line (for
DACA) or the PC7 line (for DACB) is taken high.
Figure 11. AD7242/AD7244 to 68HC11 Interface
Figure 11 shows both LDAC inputs of the AD7242/AD7244
hardwired low. As a result, the DAC latch and the analog
output of one of the DACs will be updated on the sixteenth
falling edge of SCK after the respective TFS signal for that
DAC has gone low. Alternatively, the scheme used in previous
interfaces, whereby the LDAC inputs are driven from a timer,
can be used.