Difference Between Industry Standard and UT80CRH196KD
1.1 Analog to Digital Converter
The Analog to Digital Converter will not be implemented in the
1.3 Clocking
The XTAL2 output is not used and the UT80CRH196KD
expects the input on the XTAL 1 to be a valid digital clock signal.
The clock should be stable before reset is removed or Power
Down mode is exited. In Power Down mode, a small number
of gates will be clocked by the XTAL1 input. The
UT80CRH196KD XTAL2 has been replaced with a V
1.4 CCB Read after Reset
The CCB fetch after Reset will be a normal fetch as if the chosen
bus width is selectable based on the BUSWIDTH input. Systems
with an 8-bit wide interface should tie BUSWIDTH to ground.
Systems that use BUSWIDTH should perform a normal decode
based on the memory configuration of the system. The Industry
Standard 80C196KD treats the CCB fetch as an 8-bit fetch
(driving the upper 8-bits with address 20H) regardless of the
state of BUSWIDTH.
1.5 Internal Program Memory
The UT80CRH196KD does not have internal program memory,
and pin 2 (EA) will be ignored for choosing between internal
and external program reads. The user may tie this pin to ground
for compatibility reasons, unless EDAC is enabled.
1.6 Ports 3 and 4
Since the UT80CRH196KD will not have internal program
memory, Ports 3 and 4 will always be used as the multiplexed
Address and Data bus. Therefore, these ports will not be
configured as I/O ports, and the bidirectional port function of
these pins will not be implemented. The pins will only be
configured as Address and bidirectional data pins.
1.7 Built in EDAC
The UT80CRH196KD incorporates a built in Error Detection
and Correction circuit for external memory reads and writes.
The EDAC can be controlled from an external pin. The external
pin (Pin 37) can be used to enable or disable this feature
interactively. Therefore, different regions of external memory
can be assigned to have EDAC as necessary. Additionally, the
EDAC check bits will be passed through Port 0, which varies
from the industry standard version where Port 0 is an input only
port. You can control the interrupt behavior of the EDAC engine
by setting bits 6 and 5 of the EDAC Control and Status Register
(EDAC_CS). Additionally, reading bit 4 of the EDAC_CS
allows you to determine if a double bit error occurred, and
reading bits 3 through 0 of the EDAC_CS Register tells you
how many single bit errors have been corrected. The EDAC_CS
Register is located at location 15h of HWindow 1.
1.8 Instruction Queue
The instruction queue is eight bytes deep instead of four. The
instruction queue also interfaces to the CPU through a 16-bit
bus. This configuration will speed up the operation of the
1.9 WDT and Prescalar
The WDT can now be disabled through the software. The disable
feature should allow the user flexibility in using the Watch Dog
Timer. The WDT also now has a prescalar which can slow down
the counter by a factor of 2
to 2
. The prescalar will give the
user extra time between clears of the WDT. The WDT prescaler
(WDT_SCALE) is located at location 0Dh of HWindow 1.
1.10 Interrupt Priority Levels
An additional level of priority encoding is available to the user.
Every standard interrupt can be programed to a higher level of
priority. All interrupts in the higher priority will maintain their
relative priority, but low priority interrupts can then be
programmed for a higher interrupt priority if necessary. The
interrupt priority register is 16-bits wide, and maps to the
standard interrupts in the same fashion as the INT_MASK and
INT_MASK1 registers. The high byte of the Interrupt Priority
Register (IN_PRI(hi)) is located at 0Bh of HWindow 1, and the
low byte (INT_PRI(lo)) is located at 0Ah of HWindow 1.
1.11 Faster Multiply and Divide
The multiplier and divider have been optimized to perform their
operations in fewer state times than in the current version.
1.12 Instructions State Time Reduction
The CPU has been streamlined for faster execution where
possible. Examples include 1 state reduction for WORD
immediate instructions, 1 state reductions for long indexed
instructions, and state reductions for the BMOV instructions.
1.13 STACK_PNTR implemented as Special Function
The STACK_PNTR has been implemented as a true Special
Function Register instead of in the RAM to allow for quicker
pushes and pops. If the stack is not used, the SFR can be used
for general purpose data storage.
1.14 Timer3
An additional 16-bit timer/counter has been implemented as a
general purpose timer that can be used if Timer1 and Timer 2
are being dedicated to other functional uses. The current value