No user adjustment required: The Continuous Monitor is
drift-free and designed to be insensitive to the effects of
squeezing or stretching the coil cord. It requires no user
The Dual Operator Workstation Continuous Monitor is a real
time instrument that ensures that critical ESD control
components in a sensitive area are effectively grounded. It
independently monitors the operator and the work surface. The
instant an operators wrist strap or cord fails, the monitor will
issue audible and visual alarms alerting the user of the
problem. In the same manner, the unit also confirms that a
path to ground of less than 10 megohms (1 x 107 ohms) exists
from the ESD protective work surface(s).
Many customers are eliminating periodic touch testing of wrist
straps and are utilizing continuous monitoring to better ensure
that their products were manufactured in an ESD protected
environment. Full time continuous monitoring is superior to
periodic or pulsed testing, and can save a significant amount of
money in testing costs and rejected product. Periodic testing
detects wrist strap failures after ESD susceptible products have
been manufactured. The costs of dealing with the resulting
catastrophic failures or latent defects can be considerable.
Dual Operator Workstation Continuous Monitors eliminate the
need for users to test wrist straps and log the results; by their
function, these monitors satisfy the ISO and ANSI/ESD S20.20
test logging. ANSI/ESD S20.20 Paragraph Personnel
Grounding Guidance states "A log should be maintained which
verifies that personnel have tested their personal grounding
devices." Per ESD-S1.1 Paragraph 6.1.3 "Daily (wrist strap
system) testing may be omitted if constant monitoring is used."
From the technical alternatives available, Desco designs and
manufactures many of its Continuous Monitor product offerings
using wave distortion technology . Wave distortion circuitry
monitors current/voltage phase shifts and provides true 100%
continuous monitoring. Electrical current will lead voltage at
various points due to the combinations of resistance and
capacitive reactance. By monitoring these "distortions" or
phase shifts, the wave distortion Workstation Continuous
Monitor will reliably determine if the circuit is complete.
TB-3018 May 2009 Page 1 of 4
Dual Operator Workstation Continuous Monitor with
Satellites - Operation, Installation and Maintenance
Figure 1. Desco Dual Operator Continuous Monitor with
Leading companies use continuous monitors as a cost
effective component in satisfying the paragraph 6.1.3
Compliance Verification Plan requirements of ANSI/ESD
S20.20. The Desco Dual Operator Continuous Monitor with
Satellites continuously monitors the grounding integrity of two
operators, and two ESD worksurfaces' path to ground. The
monitor will provide instantaneous notification of static control
equipment failures, and eliminates the need of costly and
difficult to supervise wrist strap logging record keeping. This
unit is highly cost effective as it is designed to monitor any
conventional single-wire wrist strap and ground cord system.
Per ESD Handbook TR 20.20 paragraph Test
Frequency, "Because wrist straps have a finite life, it is
important to develop a test frequency that will guarantee
integrity of the system. Typical test programs recommend that
wrist straps that are used daily should be tested daily.
However, if the products that are being produced are of such
value that knowledge of a continuous, reliable ground is
needed, then continuous monitoring should be considered or
even required."
The Dual Operator Continuous Monitor with Satellites is
available in two models.
The Dual Operator Continuous Monitor with Satellites is an
impedance sensing device designed to monitor body types
from a 5th percentile female to a 95th percentile male. This
range covers a 5 foot tall 90 pound person to a 6 foot 5 inch
250 pound person in any production environment.* The 19230
is powered by a 120 VAC, 60/50 Hz, plug-in transformer which
also provides connection to ground.
*NASA Publication 1024-Anthropomorphic Source Book Volume 1:
“Anthropometry for Designers”
** Per ANSI/ESD S20.20 paragraph 6.0.3. Tailoring "This
document, or portions thereof, may not apply to all applications.
Tailoring is accomplished by evaluating the applicability of each
requirement for the specific application. Upon completion of the
evaluation, requirements may be added, modified or deleted.
Tailoring decisions, including rationale, shall be documented in the
ESD Control Program Plan."
Voltage AC
120 Volt
220 Volt
DESCO WEST - 3651 Walnut Avenue, Chino, CA 91710 (909) 627-8178 Fax (909) 627-7449
DESCO EAST - One Colgate Way, Canton, MA 02021-1407 (781) 821-8370 Fax (781) 575-0172 Web Site: http://www.Desco.com
Made in America
Employee Owned