DESCO WEST - 3651 Walnut Avenue, Chino, CA 91710 (909) 627-8178
DESCO EAST - One Colgate Way, Canton, MA 02021-1407 (781) 821-8370 Website: Desco.com TB-3034 Page 1 of 6
Employee Owned
Combo Tester X3
Installation, Operation and Maintenance
The Desco Combo Tester X3 verifies the functionality
of an operator’s wrist strap and footwear. It determines
if an operator’s wrist strap and footwear will act as a
path-to-ground and ensures the presence of a current-limiting
resistor in the grounding devices. The operator’s wrist
strap and footwear will test simultaneously with no need for
separate tests. Green lights indicate that the wrist strap
and footwear are passing. Red lights and an audible alarm
indicate when the wrist strap and/or footwear (left or right)
are failing. If failure occurs, the tester will also display if the
grounding device’s resistance is too low or too high.
The factory test ranges are set to:
Wrist Straps:
750 kilohms - 10 megohms
750 kilohms - 35 megohms
Each Combo Tester X3 is calibrated with accepted
procedures and standards traceable to the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) and includes a NIST
August 2013
Per ANSI/ESD S20.20 section 7.3 “A Compliance Verification
Plan shall be established to ensure the Organization’s
fulfillment of the technical requirements of the ESD Control
Program Plan. Process monitoring (measurements) shall
be conducted in accordance with a Compliance Verification
Plan that identifies the technical requirements to be verified,
the measurement limits and the frequency at which those
verifications shall occur. The Compliance Verification
Plan shall document the test methods and equipment
used for process monitoring and measurements. … The
test equipment selected shall be capable of making the
measurements defined in the Compliance Verification Plan.”
Per ANSI/ESD S1.1 section 6.1.3 Frequency of Functional
Testing. “The wrist strap system should be tested daily to
ensure proper electrical value.”
Per ESD Handbook ESD TR20.20 section
Additional User Wrist Strap Testing “Proper testing of the
wrist strap includes the resistance of the groundable point
on the end of the cord, the cord itself, the resistor, the
cord-to cuff snap connector, the resistance of the interface
of the cuff, the cuff/wrist interface, and the resistance of the
person between the wrist and the hand that contacts the test
Per ESD Handbook ESD TR20.20 section Wrist
Strap Ground Cord “At first glance, the ground cord appears
to be a relatively simple assembly. However, the design
requirements are considerable, given the wide range of user
applications and the durability requirements of constant
tugging, flexing, and dragging over the edge of workstation
tops and equipment chassis.”
“Compliance verification should be performed prior to each
use (daily, shift change, etc.). The accumulation of insulative
materials may increase the foot grounder system resistance.
If foot grounders are worn outside the ESD protected area
testing for functionality before reentry to the ESD protected
area should be considered.” (ESD SP9.2 APPENDIX B -
Foot Grounder Usage Guidance)
“Compliance verification records shall be established and
maintained to provide evidence of conformity to the technical
requirements.” [ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007 section 7.3]
The Combo Tester X3 is available in two models:
Made in the
United States of America
Figure 1. Desco Combo Tester X3 and Dual Foot Plate
North America
North America