User’s Manual
1.2 Development and Evaluation Tools
1.2.1 Tool Kit
The Tool Kit has the essentials that you need to understand and program your own Rabbit-
based display unit.
The items in the Tool Kit and their use are as follows:
Intellicom Getting Started instructions.
Dynamic C CD-ROM, with complete product documentation on disk.
Demonstration Board. The Demonstration Board includes pushbutton switches and
LEDs, and can be connected to the Intellicom board. Programs that run on the Demon-
stration Board can be used to flash the LEDs and otherwise demonstrate the capabilities
of the Intellicom terminal.
Programming cable. The programming cable is used to connect your PC serial port to
the Intellicom to write and debug C programs that run on the Intellicom board.
Wire assembly to connect Intellicom board to Demonstration Board.
Universal AC adapter (includes Canada/Japan/U.S., Australia/N.Z., U.K., and Euro-
pean style plugs). The AC adapter is used to power the Intellicom board. A power supply
of 12 V at up to 500 mA is recommended. The Intellicom can also be powered from
any DC voltage source between 9.0 V and 40 V.
1.2.2 Software
The Intellicom is programmed using Rabbit’s Dynamic C. A compatible version is included
on the Tool Kit CD-ROM.
Dynamic C v. 9.60 includes the popular C/OS-II real-time oper-
ating system, point-to-point protocol (PPP), FAT file system, RabbitWeb, and other select
libraries that were previously sold as individual Dynamic C modules.
Rabbit also offers for purchase the Rabbit Embedded Security Pack featuring the Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) and a specific Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) library. In addi-
tion to the Web-based technical support included at no extra charge, a one-year telephone-
based technical support subscription is also available for purchase. Visit our Web site at for further information and complete documentation, or contact your
Rabbit sales representative or authorized distributor.